Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for important question answers in NCERT History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs?

this chapter is very important for the exam. Many questions from this chapter have come in the exam. Because of this, it is very important to know the question and answers to this chapter.

So students, after reading this article, you will get a lot of marks from this chapter in the exam, because the questions related to all the exams have been described in it, so definitely read it completely.

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Chapter NameThe Age of Industrialisation
Medium English
Study MaterialsMCQs

Objective questions and answers | Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs
Ncert Class 10 History Chapter 5 Question Answer in Hindi

Objective questions and answers

  1. Where did the Industrial Revolution first start?

(a) France

(b) Germany,

(c) America

(d) England.


2.Who invented the steam engine?

(a) James Watt

(c) Ford

(b) Arkwright,

(d) Nicholson.

Answer – (a)

3 Who designed the cotton textile mill?

(a) James Watt,

(b) Nicholson,

(C) James Hargreaves,

(d) Richard Arkwright.

Answer – (d)

4.When was the first cotton textile mill established in Bombay? 

(a) 1854,

(b) 1855,

(c) 1856,

(d) 1857.

Answer – (a)

class 10th NotesMCQ
HistoryPolitical Science

The introduction of which new technology made women angry in England?

(a) Spinning Jenny

(b) underground railway,

(c) steam engine,

(d) none of these

Answer – (a)

Who among the following set up the first Indian Jute Mill in Calcutta in 1917?What was it?

(a) Seth Hukmchand,

(b) Jamshedji Nasrwanji Tata,

(c) G. D. Birla,

(d) none of these

Answer – (a)

7 What was Spinning Jenny?

(a) a machine,

(b) a person,

(c) an industry,

(d) none of these

Answer– (a)

8 Which of the following were the former colonial ports of India?

(a) Surat and Machilipatnam,

(b) Madras and Hooghly,

 (c) Madras and Bombay,

(d) Bombay and Hooghly.

Answer – (a))

9 Who were the Kostis?

(a) a community of weavers,

(b) Weaver

(c) by weaving cotton cloth,

(d) Landless laborers.

Answer – (a)

10 At which of the following places was the first spinning and weaving mill opened in 1874?

(a) Kanpur,

(b) Madras (Chennai),

(c) Bombay (Mumbai).

(d) Ahmedabad.


Which country’s clothes were in high demand among 11 European countries?

(a) America,

(b) Brazil,

(c) India

(d) Britain


12 The East India Company set up surveillance on weavers in India, collecting goodsAnd who was appointed to check the quality?

(a) the contractor,

(b) Zamindar,

(c) merchants,

(d) Gumashta.


13 With the advent of which machine the weavers were able to run largeHelped to make clothes?

(a) steam engine,

(b) Spinning Jenny,

(c) Palai shuttle,

(d) none of these


14 Which city of England developed as a finishing centre?

(a) London,

(b) Island,

(c) Hampshire,

(d) Vermont.

Answer – (a))

15 Who improved the steam engine made by Newcomen?

(a) Ford

(b) Nicholson,

(c) James Watt,

(d) Arkwright.

Answer – (c))

Class 10 History Solution

Class 10 History MCQs

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

Ncert History Chapter 5 Class 10 MCQs The Age of Industrialisation

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