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NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 01 |
Chapter Name | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | History |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | Question Answer |
Important keywords
Absolutism: Such a system of governance or government that has no control of any kind over its power. In history, such monarchical governments are called autocratic governments, which were highly centralized and oppressive governments based on military force. Utopia The imagination of a society that is so ideal that it is almost impossible to come true.
Referendum: A direct vote by which all people in an area are asked to reject or accept a proposal.
Conservatism: A political philosophy that emphasizes tradition, established institutions, and customs, and prefers gradual and gradual development rather than rapid change.
Feminism: Realization of the interests and rights of women based on the idea of social, political, and economic equality of men and women.
Ideology: A set of ideas indicating a particular type of political and social vision.
Ethnic: A shared racial, tribal, or background or
The cultural origins that a community considers its identity.
Metaphor: When an abstract idea (eg, envy, greed, freedom, liberation) is denoted by someone or something. An allegorical story has two meanings, one symbolic and one literal.
Very short answer type question

1 What is the nation?
Answer- According to Ernst Renan, a nation is made up of a common language, race, religion or region. A nation is the culmination of long efforts, sacrifices, and loyalty.
2. What is a nation-state?
In a post-nation-state, a definite geographical area becomes the home territory of people who are united as a community on cultural, historical, linguistic, and religious grounds, and administered on political grounds.
3. What do you understand by nationalism?
Post-nationalism appeals only to those people who aspire to carve out a permanent important place for themselves in the changing society.
What do you understand by plebiscite?
Ans- A direct poll by which all the people of an area are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
What do you understand by autocracy?
Answer – Such a government or governance system whose power is not controlled in any way. Such monarchical governments are called autocratic governments. Which used to be highly centralized, based on military force and repressive governments.
6. What do you mean by liberalism?
The term post-liberalism is derived from the Latin word ‘Liber’ which means ‘free’. Thus, liberalism meant freedom for the individual, equality of all before the law, abolition of the privileges of autocratic rulers and clergy, and establishment of a constitution and parliamentary representative government.
7 Who were the conservatives?
Answer: In contrast to liberals, conservatives were those who believed that established traditional institutions of state and society, such as monarchy, church, social hierarchy, property, and family, should be maintained.
8 What do you understand by ethnic?
Answer – A shared racial, tribal, or cultural origin or background that a community considers its identity.
9 What is Utopia?
Answer- The imagination of such a society is so ideal that it is almost impossible to come true.
10 What is meant by ‘feminism’?
Uta ‘feminism’ is such a philosophy that is based on the principle of social, economic political equality of men and women. This philosophy originated in 18th-century Germany where women had been denied political rights for a long time.
11 What do you mean by ‘metaphor’?
Ans- When an abstract idea (like freedom, liberation, greed etc.) is indicated by someone or something then it is called a metaphor.
12 What do you understand by Germania?
Answer – Just as Marion was a female allegory in France who was considered the national symbol of freedom and republic, in the same way, Germania was also a female allegory who was considered a symbol of the nation in Germany. Germania wears a crown of oak leaves because the German oak is considered a symbol of valor.
13 What do you understand by Marian?
Answer- Marian is a female metaphor that has been considered a symbol of freedom and republic in France. Marian statues were placed in public squares to remind the public of the national symbol.
What is meant by Ottoman Empire?
Answer- The Ottoman Empire ie Osmani Sultanate was a Turkish state established in 1299 in northwestern Anatolia. Some countries in West Asia and Europe used to come under this empire. Whose founder was Osman I? It turned into an empire after Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1493. When the First World War was defeated in 1919, it was partitioned and taken over.
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15 Who was Fredrik Soreau?
Answer – Fredric Soreau was a French painter. In 1848, he presented the idea of the republic, freedom, enlightenment, nation, etc. through a series of paintings.
16 Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Answer- Napoleon Bonaparte was a great general of France, under whose leadership France won many victories. He was later declared the first emperor of France. The code of conduct made by him for liberal governance is famous.
17 Who was Count Camillo de Cavour?
Answer- Count Camillo de Cavour was the ministerial head of the Sardinia-Piedmont kingdom of Italy. He led the movement to accept the territories of Italy.
18 What was ‘Young Italy’? Who established it?
Answer- ‘Young Italy was a secret revolutionary organization. It was founded in the 1830s by Giuseppe Mazzini to spread the idea of a unified Italy.
19 When and who made the German almanac?
Answer – The cover of the German almanac or calendar was designed by the journalist Andreas Rebmann in 1798 AD.
20 What do you understand by Carter System?
Answer – The Carter System was an agreement between different nations, the purpose of which was to protect and promote mutual economic interests.
Short answer Type questions
1 Write a comment on Giuseppe Mazzini.
Ans- (a) He was a young revolutionary of Italy. He was deeply influenced by the idea of a moderate nationalist state. He wanted to build Italy according to this idea. So he joined a secret revolutionary organization with the aim of overthrowing the various monarchies that ruled Italy during the 19th century.
(b) Later on, he himself founded two secret societies, Young Italy in Marseille and Young Europe in Bern. At the same time, he befriended like-minded youth from Poland, France, Italy, and the German states.
(c) Messini believed that the nation was the natural unit of human beings according to God’s will, so in 1831 he led a rebellion in Liguria for the unification of Italy.
(d) But the rebellion failed and he was exiled. But his idea later inspired Cavour, who eventually unified Italy in the second half of the 19th century.
2,Write a note on Count Camillo de Cavour.
Ans- (a) Count Camillo de Cavour was the Chief Minister of Sardinia Piedmont Kingdom of Italy. He led the movement for the unification of the various regions of Italy. He was neither a revolutionary nor a democrat.
(b) Like many other wealthy and educated members of the Italian ethnic group, he spoke French better than Italian.
(c) He had deep diplomatic relations with France, with whose help he defeated Austria in 1859.
(d) For the sake of the unification of Italy, he inspired Garibaldi to conquer the southern states adjacent to Sania-Piedmont.
Thus, as a result of Cador’s efforts, Italy was unified in 1861 and Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed ruler of a unified Italy.
3. Write a note on the Greek War of Independence.
OR Focusing on the freedom struggle of Greece, tell how the nation developed in the nineteenth century.
Answer – (a) Greece became a part of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. Taking inspiration from European nationalism, the Greeks started the struggle for independence in 1821 AD. At that time he also got the support of Western Europe.
(b) Writers called Greece the foster of European civilization and glorified Greek culture. Thus, Greece was prepared to fight against a Muslim empire.
(c) By adding romanticism to the freedom struggle of Greece, the poets and artists there also took part in the struggle against the Ottoman Empire. One such famous poet was Lord Boyaron. Lord Boyaron collected money and later went to fight in the war where he died of fever in 1832.
(d) Finally, after a long struggle, Greece was recognized as an independent nation by the Treaty of Constantinople in 1832 AD.
4. Write a note on the role of women in nationalist struggles.
Ans- (a) Women played a very important role in the nationalist struggle all over the world.
(b) Although women actively participated in the nationalist struggle, the issue of giving political rights to women was controversial within the liberal movement.
(c) Women established their own political organizations, started newspapers, and started participating in political meetings.
(d) The result was that there was a change in the views of liberals and rulers towards women’s rights and the way for women’s social, economic, and political rights was paved.
5. Write a note on Frankfurt Parliament.
Ans- (a) On 18 May 1848, 831 elected representatives took their seats in the Frankfurt Parliament in a decorated procession. This Parliament was held in St. Paul’s Church.
(b) He drafted a constitution for the German nation. The presidency of this nation was entrusted to a king who was to be subject to the parliament.
(c) Parliament was dominated by the middle classes who opposed the demands of workers and artisans and lost their support. (d) Finally, the troops were called in and the assembly was forced to dissolve.
Long answer Type questions
1. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?
Answer – French Revolution started in 1789 AD. Soon the people got rid of the king and queen and took all the reins of power into their hands. Then he took many steps to maintain unity and organization among the people, in which the following are the main ones-
(a) Firstly, ideas like fatherland and citizen emphasized the idea of a united community.
(b) A new French flag-the tricolor was chosen to replace the earlier national flag.
(c) An assembly elected by active citizens was formed, which was named the National Assembly.
(d) New hymns were composed, oaths were taken and martyrs were praised in the name of the nation.
(e) A central administrative system was implemented which made uniform laws for all citizens.
(f) Internal import-export duties were abolished and a uniform system of weights and measures was implemented.
(g) Instead of different dialects, the French language spoken in Paris was encouraged.
2 Who were Marian and Germania? What was the significance of the way they were portrayed?
Answer – In France, the popular Christian name Marianne was given as the symbol of the nation. He was shown with a red cap, tricolor, and crest, and his statue was placed in public squares to remind people of the national symbol of unity.
Similarly in Germany, Germania became an allegory as a symbol of the German nation. He was decorated with a crown of oak leaves because in Germany the oak is considered a symbol of valor. The manner in which Marian and Germania were portrayed was of great importance.
The statue of Marian was considered a symbol of freedom, unity, and justice. Due to this, these lofty political sentiments were communicated to the public. Similarly, the picture of Germany was a symbol of freedom, strength, bravery, peace, and the beginning of a new era. This made the people of Germany realize the pride of the nation.
3. Briefly describe the process of unification of Italy. OR What was the role of Emperor Victor Emmanuel, Prime Minister Cavour, and Giuseppe Gari Baldi in the unification of Italy? Discuss.
Italian unification process
(a) Italy was divided into several hereditary states and the multi-national Habsburg Empire.
(b) The responsibility of uniting the Italian states through the war was on Victor Emmanuel II, the ruler of Sardinia-Piedmont.
(c) Minister Pramukh Kapoor, led the movement to unify the territories of Italy.
(d) Kannur made a clever diplomatic treaty of Sardinia Piedmont with France. With the help of France managed to defeat the Austrian forces in 1859.
(e) Under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi, a large number of armed volunteers took part in this war.
(f) In 1860 they annexed South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Finally succeeded in getting the support of the local farmers to remove the Spanish ruler.
(g) Thus the process of unification of Italy was completed and in 1861 Emmanuel II was declared the king of unified Italy.
4. What changes did Napoleon make to make the administration more efficient in the areas under his rule?
The following are the major administrative reforms made by Napoleon-
(a) Privileges based on birth were abolished and the rule of equality of all before the law was implemented.
(b) The right to property was made secure.
(c) Administrative divisions were simplified, the feudal system was abolished and farmers were freed from serfdom and jagirdari fees.
(c) In the cities also various controls of guilds of artisans were abolished.
(d) Farmers, laborers, artisans, and new industrialists were given freedom in their respective areas.
5. Briefly describe the process of German unification.
(a) Establishment of a nation-state based on parliamentary principles like the constitution, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.
(b) Absolutism and the abolition of the privileges of the clergy. social thought
(a) To provide social equality to all citizens.
(b) They were in favor of abolishing the controls imposed by the state on the movement of goods and capital.
6. Focusing on any two countries, explain how nations developed in the nineteenth century.
Answer – In the 19th century, feelings of nationalism began to flourish in many countries in Europe and many nation-states were born there. Following are the details of two such countries where nationalism developed-
Belgium was merged with Holland by the Biana Congress of 1814 AD, but the residents of Belgium were staunch Catholics and the Dutch were staunch Protestants. The ruler of Holland used to give high positions only to the Dutch people and he ordered the teaching of the Protestant religion in all the schools. In 1830, the Belgians revolted. England supported the rebels, so Holland had to leave Belgium. In 1830, Belgium implemented a constitution like England.
Poland- Congress of Vienna had given a large part of Poland to Russia. Gradually, the feeling of nationalism started awakening among the people there, and in 1848, the revolution started in Poland at the place of Warsaw. Russian forces suppressed this rebellion with great harshness. The rebels hoped that they would get the help of Western European countries, but these countries were not ready to accept enmity with Russia, so the rebels did not dare to revolt again.
7. How was the history of nationalism in Britain different from that of the rest of Europe?
Answer – (a) There was no British nation before the 18th century. The main identity of the people living in the British Isles – English, Welsh, Scot, or Irish – was ethnic. All these ethnic groups had their own cultural and political traditions.
(b) But as the wealth, importance, and power of the English nation grew, it was able to extend its dominion over the other nations of the archipelago.
(c) After a long struggle and struggle, the English Parliament wrested power from the monarchy in 1688. Through this Parliament, a nation-state was formed with England at its center.
(d) The United Kingdom of Great Britain was formed by the Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland. With this, England’s dominance over Scotland was practically established.
(e) The Catholic clans of the Scottish Highlands who tried to express their independence had to face severe repression.
(f) The people of the Scottish Highlands were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national dress. Many of them were forced to leave their homeland.
8 Why did nationalist tension develop in the Balkan states?
Ans- (a) Many ethnic groups used to live in the Balkan regions.
(b) A large part of the Balkan region was under the control of the Ottoman Empire which was on the verge of its collapse.
(c) The Slavs – could not help but be influenced by the liberal and nationalist ideas of the ethnic group of the Balkans. So all these ethnic groups started demanding a nation-state.
(d) The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other and each wanted to grab more and more territory for itself.
(e) Every power of Russia, Germany, England, and Austro-Hungary wanted to increase its influence in the region by weakening the hold of other powers on the Balkans. Due to all these reasons, nationalist tension flourished in the Balkan states.
9 What were the main features of Napoleon’s code?
Answer- The following were the main features of Napoleon’s code-
(a) Simplification of administrative divisions, abolition of the feudal system, freedom to farmers from land revenue, and jagirdari fees.
(b) abolition of multiple control of guild unions of artisans.
(c) Transport and communication system was improved.
(D) The rule of equality before the law was implemented by ending the privilege based on birth.
(e) The right to property was secured.
(f) Standard weights and measures and new currency were introduced.
(g) Facilitations were given in the national movement of goods and capital.
Class 10 History Solution
1. Who said that people should take their freedom in hand?
Answer- People should grasp their freedom, this statement is by Andreas Rebmann.
2 What was the fee union called Zollverein and why was it established?
Answer – A fee union named Zollverein was established at the request of Prussia in 1834, in which almost all German states joined. This union eliminated many tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from 30 to 2.
3 What is a franchise?
Answer- The right to vote is called a franchise.
4 What do you understand by ideology?
Answer- A group of thoughts indicating a particular type of social and political vision is called ideology.
5 Who were the main builders of the unification of Germany?
Answer – (a) William I, the ruler of Prussia. (b) Chancellor Bismarck of Prussia.
6 Who were the main leaders of the unification of Italy?
Ans- (a) Great revolutionaries and thinkers like Mazzini, Kapoor and Garibaldi of Italy
(b) Victor Emmanuel II, the ruler of Sardinia
7 What is the main contribution of the French Revolution?
Answer – Through the French Revolution (1789-1815), sovereignty came out of the monarchy and came into the hands of the French citizens. This revolution announced that now the nation would be formed by the people and they would decide its policies.
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers The Rise of Nationalism in Europe PDF
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