Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for MCQs Class 10 Economics Chapter 2? Because this chapter is very important for the exam. Many questions from this chapter have come in the exam. Because of this, it is very important to know the question and answers of this chapter.
So students, after reading this article, you will get a lot of marks from this chapter in the exam, because the questions related to all the exams have been described in it, so definitely read it completely.
Important MCQs Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Economy Sectors of the Indian Economy
class | Classes | 10th |
CHAPTER | Chapter | 02 |
Chapter Name | Chapter Name | Economy Sectors of the Indian Economy |
board | board | CBSE |
book | Books | NCERT |
subject | Subject | ECONOMICS |
Medium | Moderate | ENGLISH |
Study Material | Study Materials | MCQs |
Money and Credit

1 Divided on the basis of the public and private sectors.
(a) the conditions of employment,
(b) the nature of the economic activity,
(c) ownership of enterprises,
(d) Number of workers employed in the enterprise.
2 Value of produce in a particular yearSays P.
(a) all goods and services,
(b) all final goods and services,
(c) all intermediate goods and services,
(d) All intermediate and final goods and services.
3.Which sector produces a commodity mostly through natural processes?is activity.
(a) primary,
(b) secondary,
(c) tertiary,
(d) Information industry.
4 What is the share of tertiary sector in the posts of G.D.P. in the year 2003?
(a) 70%,
(b) 20-30%,
(c) 30-40%,
(d) 50-60%
In which year the National Rural Employment Assurance Act was implemented
(a) 2005,
(b) 2004,
(c) 2002,
(d) 2006.
6. In how many districts was the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act implemented?
(a) 100 district,
(b) 150 forell
(c) 200 district,
(d) 250 district.
7 In how many sectors of economic activities on the basis of conditions of employment?Is it divided?
(a) one.
(b) two,
(c) three
(d) none of these
8. How many days under the National Rural Employment Assurance ActIs employment assured?
(a) 150 days,
(b) 365 days,
(c) 200 days,
(d) 100 days.
9. In which of the following field the employees are exploited-
(a) Organized Sector,
(b) public sector,
(c) unorganized sector,
(d) Service sector.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
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English | Hindi |
10 The primary economic activity in India is ____.
(a) industry,
(b) agriculture,
(c) providing services,
(d) none of these
11.Life insurance is an activity-
(a) service sector,
(b) secondary sector,
(c) primary sector,
(d) none of these
12 In how many states in India the right to work has been implemented?
(a) 150,
(B) 175,
(c) 200,
(d) 190.
13 Which sector has emerged as the largest employment generating sector in India?
(a) Tertiary Sector,
(b) secondary sector,
(c) primary sector,
(d) Science and technology sector
In which field the products obtained from nature are converted into other forms with the help of industrialization?
(a) primary sector,
(b) secondary sector,
(c) Tertiary Sector,
(d) Unorganized sector.
Which of the following activities is a secondary sector activity?
(a) making sugar,
(b) Agriculture.
(c) milking,
(d) fishing.
16 Underemployment is a situation where people–
(a) do not want to work.
(b) They are not paid salary for their work.
(c) work slowly.
(d) work below their capacity.
17 Agriculture, dairy farming are activities related to which of the following sector?
(a) primary,
(b) secondary,
(c) secondary,
(d) Tertiary.
18 Which sector was the largest in terms of production in the year 2010-11?
(a) Organized Sector,
(c) public sector,
(b) unorganized sector,
(d) Service sector.
19 Who among the following is employed in the organized sector?
(a) tailor,
(b) Potter,
(c) Tourism Director,
(d) Dhobi.
20 Which of the following is not employed in the organized sector-
(a) Vegetable seller,
(b) lawyer,
(c) teacher,
(d) Doctor.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India in the year 2010-11 was 21.
(a) 42,00,000 crores,
(b) 50,00,000 crores,
(c) 48,00,000 crores,
(d) 54,00,000 crores.
22 It refers to all the final goods produced within a country in a particular year andThe value of the services is-
(a) National Product,
(b) Net Domestic Product,
(c) Gross Domestic Product,
(d) none of these
23 Railwayis an example of.
(a) private sector,
(b) the public sector
(c) secondary sector,
(d) none of these
24 Which of the following act is not applicable to a company like TISCO?
(a) Minimum Wages Act,
(b) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,
(c) Factory Act,
(d) Payment of Gratuity Act.
25 Which of the following is related to the primary sector?
(a) mining,
(b) Sugar,
(c) Advocacy,
(d) none of these
26 Within how many days unemployment allowance is received if work is not available in ‘NREGA’?
(a) 10 days
(b) 12 days,
(c) 15 days,
(d) 20 days.
Which of these comes first for the purpose of production?
(a) capital,
(b) land,
(c) Labour,
(d) tools.
28, Which of the following is related to tertiary sector?
(a) Agriculture,
(b) Dairy,
(c) bank services,
(d) Sugar
29 which of theseIs it included in the secondary sector?
(a) Potter,
(b) workers in a match factory,
(c) Weaver
(d) all of these
30 Which of the following activities is not related to the primary sector?
(a) forestry,
(b) mining,
(c) Banking,
(d) Fisheries.
How to convert natural products into useful items through manufacturing?comes in the field?
(a) primary
(b) secondary,
(c) tertiary,
(d) all of these
32 What type of unemployment is found in the workers in the agriculture sector?
(a) Cyclical unemployment
(b) structural unemployment
(c) Disguised unemployment,
(d) Open unemployment.