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NCERT Class 10 History Ch-4 Question Answers The Making of Global World PDF
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 04 |
Chapter Name | The Making of Global World |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | History |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | Question Answer |
Very short answer Type questions

1 What is Globalization?
Answer- Globalization in simple language means to establish harmony in our economy and the world economy. Under this many foreign producers can sell their goods and services and similarly, we can sell goods and services manufactured in our country to other countries. In this way, due to globalization, different countries of the world become mutually dependent on each other at the international level.
2 What is meant by Group 77 (G-77)?
In the post-fifties and sixties, the developing countries did not benefit from the rapid progress of the economies of the western countries, so they formed a new group of their own, which is famous as Group 77 (G-77). ,
3. What is the meaning of indentured labor?
Ans- Indentured laborers are kind of indentured laborers who are hired by the employer through an agreement. Which is for a fixed period of time and is applicable to work in a new country.
4 What is the meaning of veto?
Answer- Veto Prohibition With the help of this right, the disagreement of only one member becomes the basis for rejecting any proposal.
5 What do you mean by reader paste?
Ans- The disease of plague in cattle is called rinderpest in the 1890sAfrican animals died in the thousands, affecting the livelihood and livelihood of the local people. There was a huge impact on the economy.
6. Verma’s Today Social Science – What were the factors responsible for globalization?
Answer- (a) Trade,
(b) migration of people from one country to another in search of work, (c) global movement of capital or goods.
7. What is meant by biological warfare?
Answer – When the European army reached America, they also brought smallpox germs with them. This smallpox disease paved the way for the success of the Europeans because the Americans were ignorant of the effects and diagnosis of the disease. As a result, the smallpox disease did the work that the army had to do. A large number of Americans died from this disease. this is called biological warfare given.
8 What changes were brought about due to colonization?
Ans- (a) Due to colonization, there were many improvements in the means of transport and transport, due to which it was very easy to carry goods over long distances.Went.
(b) The colonial countries started investing capital freely in their colonies because they could now clearly see the opportunities for the rapid growth of their capital.
Q9. Why were Europeans attracted to Africa in the second half of the 19th century? Happened?
Answer – Europeans were attracted to Africa in the last decade of the 19th century. Because here there were natural resources on a large scale, in which land and minerals were prominent. The Europeans had arrived there with the hope that they would be able to smoothly plant and send minerals from the mines to Europe, but there was a problem that they had not even imagined, which was the labor shortage. No one was ready to work for money.
10 What is import duty?
Answer – Import Duty- Duty charged on things coming from another country. This tax or duty is collected at the place from where the goods enter the country, i.e. at the border, port, or airport.
11 Where was the last stop of Indian indentured laborers?
North-Indian indentured laborers were the main places to reach – Caribbean Islands (mainly Trinidad, Guyana, and Suriname), Mauritius and Fiji were nearby places. Tamil laborers went to Ceylon, Malaya. Indentured laborers were also recruited for the tea gardens of Assam.
What is called 12 Hose?
Guru’s fair (named after Imam Hussain) celebrated in Trinidad, a country in North-South America, is called Hosea.
13 Why did indentured laborers in India agree to go to other countries?
Ans- (a) The cottage industries in India came to a standstill and the people engaged in them became unemployed and got into debt.
(b) the rate of land tax increased so much that the farmer was unable to pay them going.
(c) their lands to be excavated for minerals or for the construction of plantations it was taken away from them on one pretext or the other.
14 What is meant by N.I.E.O.?
Answer- It means a New International Economic Order, which means that the developing countries can get control over their resources in the true sense of this new system.
15 What was the main objective of the post-war international economic system?
Ans- (a) Economic stability should be maintained in the industrialized world.
(b) The means of full employment should be developed.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
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Short answer Type questions
Give two examples of exchanges that took place before the 17th century. Choose one example from Asia and one example from the Americas.
Answer – A beneficial example of global exchange before the 17th century – In the period before the 17th century, travelers, merchants, priests, and pilgrims traveled from one country to another, especially from Asia, becoming harbingers of mutual reconciliation. When they went to other countries, they took many things, money, values with them.
Ideas also took with them many types of art and they used other people to make life happy. Often such countries of Asia like India and ChinaHappened A disastrous example of global exchange before the 17th century – Global exchanges before the 17th century sometimes became the cause of destruction for the new ones. For example, when people from Portugal and Spain reached America, they took with them many diseases, especially smallpox germs, which destroyed many tribes of the native inhabitants of America. Gave.
2.Explain how the global spread of diseases in the early modern world helped in the colonization of the American territories?
Ans- (a) Some colonial countries of Europe brought infectious diseases with them. Brought germs.
(b) America which was isolated for millions of years. Therefore, their body did not have the immunity to avoid diseases coming from Europe.
(c) None of the most powerful weapons of the Spanish conquistadors in the middle of the sixteenth century was a military weapon of nuclear type. Those weapons were smallpox-like germs that arrived there with the Spanish soldiers and officers.
(d) Therefore, the number of soldiers of Spain at the time of the establishment of a colony in AmericaThe repression cycle was going on. At the same time, the havoc of the epidemic opened a new front. Native Americans believed that smallpox was invisible bullets fired by the Spaniards.
(e) America after winning two big empires without any challengeColonies was established in
Write a short note explaining the effects of the British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws.
Answer- The laws passed by the British Parliament in the 19th century to protect the interests of their landowners are called Corn Laws. By these laws, the import of food items from abroad was banned. As a result of this restriction, when the prices of food items started increasing in Britain, there was an outcry among the people and the government was forced to remove these laws. The removal of these laws had very important effects-
(a) Food became cheap due to which common and poor people got a lot of money. There was profit.
(b) When foods from outside started coming to England at cheap prices, the landowners there were ruined.
(c) Many lands became barren and many farmers who used to do farming became unemployed.
(d) Many such rural people started fleeing to the cities in search of jobs. Due to this the condition of the cities also worsened.
4 Brief explaining the effects of ‘Rinderpest coming to Africa’Post a comment-
Answer – Arrival of Rinderpest in Africa – Rinderpest is a dangerous disease spread among animals that spread like a plague in Africa in the 1890s. This disease spread in Africa due to the animals that were imported from many eastern countries for the food of the Indian soldiers fighting for the British Empire in Africa.
As soon as these animals reached East Africa, they also infected the animals there with rinderpest disease. Starting in 1892, over the next five years, this deadly disease spread to the borders of southern and western Africa. The disease had far-reaching effects-
(a) Some 90% of African animals died due to this disease.
(b) This disease has a big impact on the livelihood and economy of the people of AfricaHad a deep impact.
(c) Being completely ruined and destitute, the people of Africa were forced to work as laborers with foreign imperialists. If they had their own animals, they would never have been ready to do this work.
(d) This devastation of African people and waste of their resources made it much easier for the European colonialists to conquer and subjugate Africa.
5 MNCs shifting their production to Asian countriesWrite a short note explaining the implications of the decision to do so.
Answer- Multinational companies are those companies that go to different countries of the world and invest their capital, do their production there, and sell the finished goods in the world markets. In the 1970s, these multinational companies turned their attention towards the countries of Asia, which resulted in many important results-
(a) Job opportunities increased a lot in Asian countries and thus it was easy to solve the issues of unemployment.
(b) These multinational companies greatly helped the developing countries to get out of the clutches of their old colonial countries.
(c) These MNCs for their products and trading activities reason also significantly affected global trade and capital flows.
(d) These multinational companies gave impetus to the process of globalization. Warning”Deaths of men of working age in Europe due to the world wars.” Write a short note explaining the effects of Answer – This war created a havoc of death and destruction in its industrial age more than 9 million people were killed and 20 million were injured. Most of the dead and injured were people of working age. This great destruction | Due to this, the number of working people in Europe remained very less. Due to the reduction in family members, the income of the families also fell after the war.
7 Briefly explain the effects of the Great Depression on the Indian economy and post a comment-
Answer- The impact of the Great Depression on the Indian economy-
(a) During this Great Depression (1929-1934) India’s import and export trade decreased by some 50%.
(b) The Great Depression had a particularly devastating effect on the jute growers of Bengal. A 60% drop in jute prices due to which the jute growers of Bengal were ruined and were in debt.
Stuck under the burden.
(c) Even small farmers could not escape from this ruin. His financial condition was getting worse. The government did not reduce their land tax and other taxes.
(d) The Civil Disobedience Movement that started in 1930 was a direct result of this economic depression as rural areas had become areas of unrest.
Give two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability.
Answer – Technology or different types of inventions, such as railways, steamships,• On the availability of food items on ships with telegraphs and refrigerators had a deep impact.
(a) Various means of transport such as fast trains, light carts, and large ships made it easier to transport food items to distant markets at low cost and easily.
(b) Due to the technology of refrigerator ships, perishable things such as meat, fruits, etc. can also be carried in long voyages. Could have done it.
9. Briefly explain the economic conditions that arose between the two world wars. What lesson did economists and politicians learn from him?
Ans- (a) The economic experiences of the inter-war period were very bad. Most countries were ruined. and many cities were destroyed.
(b) Economists and politicians learned the lesson that they should have in industrialized countries economic stability has to be ensured.
(c) At the same time, an understanding of the mutual economic dependence of the whole world also arose in them.
10 What is the meaning of the Bretton Woods Agreement?
Or, the post-war international economic order is also called the Bretton Woods system. Why?
Answer – In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed in America for the reconstruction and development of the international system in the post-war period. In this agreement, two organizations of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were established. Both those institutions started their work in 1947, and they are doing very well to date.
The International Monetary System has done an important job of linking national currencies and monetary systems with each other. Western industrialized countries and Japan in particular have benefited from this whole process and their trade and income have increased significantly. This led to a worldwide expansion of technology and enterprise. This post-war international economic system has been called the Bretton Woods system. The Bretton Woods system was based on fixed exchange rates.
11. The world began to ‘shrink’ in the sixteenth century, what does it mean, explained it.
Ans- (a) Increase in mutual relations between the people of different continents of the world.
(b) There was a lack of interconnection, trade, and business between the people of different continents till the sixteenth century.
(c) But in the sixteenth century, trade, business, exchange of cultural ideas, and movement of people increased between the continents of the world, which reached from America through Asia to Europe and Africa.
12 What measures were taken by the Europeans to employ the local residents in Africa?
The following measures were taken by the Europeans to employ the local residents in North Africa-
(a) Heavy taxes were imposed on the people, which could be paid only if they worked regularly for wages in plantations or mines.
(b) Succession law was changed according to which only one member of the family was sure to get ancestral property. This helped bring the rest of the family members into the labor market. (c) Mine workers were confined in enclosures and their movement was restricted.
Long answer Type questions
1 Explain three types of movements or flows in international economic exchanges. Give one example of each of the three types of movements related to India and Indians and writes briefly about them.
Ans- Three types of movements or flows in international economic exchanges EconomistsIn the 19th century, three types of movements or flows are described as-
(a) The first flow in this is trade, which was limited to trade in commodities (cloth and wheat etc.) in the 19th century.
(b) The second flow is of labor in which different types of people move from one place to another in search of work or employment.
(c) The third flow is of capital which is invested in distant areas for short or long periods. Examples of three flows from India – These three flows in India since ancient timesTypes of flow are seen-
(a) Since ancient times, Indians had established trade relations with neighboring and distant countries. 5,000 years ago, the people of the Indus Valley had deep trade relations with countries like Mesopotamia and Crete.
(b) In the 19th century, many Indian artisans and laborers went to many countries to work in plantations, mines, road construction and railway construction.
(c) During the British period, many European businessmen and industrialists invested money in India and built many types of factories, railways, etc., and established many tea gardens there.
Explain the causes of the Great Depression.
Answer – In 1929 AD, the whole world was surrounded by a terrible economic crisis. Such an economic crisis had never been seen before. This crisis originated in the United States of America in 1929 and soon it spread to many countries of the world except Ruth till 1931. Reasons and factors responsible for the economic crisis (1929)- (a) This crisis was due to the industrial revolution due to an excess of the need of things.Born out of production. manufactured goods in America in the 1930sThere were so many stores that there was no one to buy them.
(b) The countries of Europe were so ruined due to the First World War that they were not in a position to import goods from America.
(c) When there is no buyer for the finished goods, the factories shut down there and thousands of laborers become unemployed.
Class 10 History Solution
1 What do you understand by exchange rate?
Answer – Exchange rate linking the currency of a country so that it can be used in trade with another country. There are mainly two exchange rates – fixed exchange rate and floating (floating) exchange rate.
2 What is called canal settlements? Why and where were they established?
Answer – To make the semi-desert fallow lands of Punjab fertile, a network of canals was laid here. Within no time, the barren lands were converted into canal settlements, where crops like wheat and cotton were cultivated in abundance.
3. How did the Great Depression of 1929 affect the jute growers of Bengal? Got it?
Answer – Due to the Great Depression of 1929, the jute growers of Bengal were completely destroyed. Jute prices fell by some 60% a result of which he went deep into debt.
4. What is meant by assembly line?
Answer – When different parts of a machine are made at different places and later they are assembled at one place to form a complete machine, then such a method is called an assembly line.