MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science ch-2 federalism with Answers

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MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science ch-2 federalism with Answers

Class 10 Social Science MCQs Chapter 2 federalism


1. When was the Jharkhand state formed?

(a) 2000 ई०.

(b) 2001 ई०.

(c) 2002 ई०.

(d) 2003 ई०।

Answer – (a)

2 The right to make laws on the subjects given in the concurrent list who has-

(a) Parliament

(b) State Legislature,

(c) President

(d) Parliament and State Legislature.


3 India has the following system of government-

(a) federal,

(b) Unitary.

(c) Presiding,

(d) none of these


4 The following is an example of a union formed by coming together

(a) United States of America,

(b) India.

(c) Spain

(d) none of these


5 In which system of governance, the entire power is with the central government?

(a) unitary,

(b) federal,

(c) community,

(d) Communist.

Answer – (a)

6, Subjects of provincial importance like police, trade, agriculture, and irrigation belong to which list? come under?

(a) Union List,

(b) Concurrent List,

(c) State List,

(d) All of these

Answer – (C)

7 Which of the following subjects is not included in the center list?

(a) law and order,

(b) currency,

(c) Railways,

(d) Banking.

Answer – (a)

8 Whose law applies when there is a dispute between the Center and the State on a subject of the Concurrent List?

(a) the Central Government,

(b) the State Government,

(c) High Court,

(d) President.

Answer – (a)

9 In how many lists the powers have been divided by the Indian Constitution?

(a) 2. 

(b) 3. 

(c) 4. 

(d) 6. 


10. Who among the following has the right to make laws on 10 residuary subjects?

(a) Parliament,

(b) State Legislature,

(c) both (a) and (b),

(d) none of these

Answer – (a)

11. Presides over the meetings of Gram Panchayat-

(a) Mayor

(b) Tehsildar,

(c) Sarpanch,

(d) Deputy Commissioner.


12. At present, there are 12 in the Indian Union-

(a) 25 states 6 union territories,

(b) 26 states 7 union territories.

(c) 28 states 8 union territories,

(d) 28 states 6 union territories.


13 Who settles the disputes between the Central and State Governments?Is ?

(a) Judiciary,

(b) the Governor,

(c) Prime Minister,

(d) President.

Answer – (a)

14 When was the 73rd amendment in the constitution made to make Panchayati Raj powerful and effective?

(a) 1992 ई०. 

(b) 1959 ई०, 

(c) 1998 ई०, 

(d) 2001 ई०। 


15. Local government institutions that work in cities are called-

(a) Gram Panchayat,

(b) District Panchayat,

(c) Legislative Council,

(d) Municipalities and Municipal Corporations.

Answer – (d)

16 What is the head of the Municipal Corporation called?

(a) the chairman,

(b) Mayor

(c) Secretary,

(d) Principal.


17. For whom one-third of the seats are reserved in the Panchayati Raj system?

(a) elderly,

(b) youth,

(c) woman,

(d) Farmer.


18 How many languages ​​have been given the status of scheduled language?

(a) 15, 

(b) 20. 

(c) 21. 

(d) 22.

Answer – (d)

19 How many subjects are there in the concurrent list?

(a) 52,

(b) 50.

(c) 48,

(d) 60.

Answer – (a)

20 Which of the following subjects come under the State List?

(a) Banking,

(b) computer,

(c) commerce,

(d) Currency.


21 When was the report of the State Reorganization Commission implemented?

(a) 1st November, 1991.

(b) 10th December, 1990,

(c) 1st November, 1956,

(d) 10th December, 1965.


22 When power was taken from the central and state governments and given to the local governmentsIf so, it is called

(a) distribution,

(b) Centralization,

(c) reorganized,

(d) Decentralization.

(Ans- (d)

23 Which of the following is not a subject of the Union List?

(a) foreign affairs,

(b) law and order,

(c) Banking,

(d) Currency.

Answer – (a)

24 Subjects of national importance like defense, foreign affairs, banking, communication, and currency are the important subjects of which list?

(a) Union List,

(b) State List,

(c) Concurrent List,

(d) All of these

Answer – (a)

25 Subjects like education, forest, trade union, marriage, adoption and succession are the important subjects of which list?

(a) Union List,

(b) State List,

(c) Concurrent List…..

(d) All of these


26 What is the main unit of Panchayati Raj?

(a) Gram Sabha,

(b) Sarpanch.

(c) Gram Sevak,

(d) Chief.

Answer– (a)

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