NCERT Solution Political Parties Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 6 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

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NCERT Solution Political Parties Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 6 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

NCERT Solution Political Parties Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 6 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

very Short answers type question

1 What is the meaning of a political party?

Answer- Political party is called a group of people who have similar views, have a common opinion on the problems of the country, and want to establish their authority over the power of the country. They play an important role in making their democratic system, contesting elections, making a constitution, and forming and operating government.

2. What are the three main parts of a political party?

Answer – (a) the leader,

(b) active member,

(c) follower or supporter.

3. Write any two functions of political parties.

(a) The ruling party forms the government and takes the works of public welfare to the public.

(b) Opposition parties criticize the policies of the government and force it to engage in service work.

4. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of one party system. 

Answer:- Often in countries with a one-party system, authoritarian regimes dominate. In this type of party system, decisions are taken immediately on any important issue. May go. The fault of the one-party system is that arbitrary policies are imposed on the public by the government.

5. Write one merit and one demerit of the two-party system.

Answer – In countries where there is a two-party system, one is ruling and the other belongs to the opposition party. So he put the ruling party on the path of dictatorship. prevents running. The biggest demerit is that many times the government’s progressive opposition creates hurdles in the path of policies.

6 Who was the director of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

Answer – Kanshi Ram.

7 What is the main motivating principle of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

Answer – Cultural nationalism.

8 Name the six national parties of India.

(a) Indian National Congress

(b) Bharatiya Janata Party,

(c) Communist Party of India (Marxist),

(d) Communist Party of India,

(e) Bahujan Samaj Party,

(f) Nationalist Congress Party.

Short answer type questions

1. What are the qualities of any political party? 

Answer- A political party is such an organization whose members have similar views, similar policies, and who are unanimous on various problems of the country. A political party has the following characteristics-

(a) A special organization- Every political party has an organized structure. There is a special arrangement for electing office bearers from bottom to top. Every member knows what he has to do. Without such systematic organization, no political party can survive for long.

(b) Unity in ideology- It is necessary to have unity of ideology in any political party with a well-organized organization. Every party has goals that they put before the people, gain their trust, and try to win the elections. Every member of the party strives to achieve these objectives and policies.

(c) Unshakable faith in constitutional methods- Be it any political party, it has unshakable faith in the constitution of its country. They believe in a fair and free election system and express their agreement with the results of the elections. Under no circumstances do they think of hooliganism and capturing election centers.

(d) Implementation of its policies after winning- Every political party, if it forms its government, tries to fulfill those policies which it has given in its manifestos.

2. How can political parties be reformed?

Answer – Political parties are very important for the functioning of democracy. Since party is the most visible form of democracy. It is, therefore, natural that people tend to blame political parties for the maladies in the functioning of democracy. Therefore, to meet the challenges, some suggestions are given below to improve the parties-

(a) The constitution was amended to prevent MLAs and MPs from switching parties. According to the new law, an MP or MLA who changes his party will have to lose his seat as well. They have to accept it.

(b) Supreme Court to reduce the influence of money and criminals has ordered that every candidate contesting the election has made mandatory to give details of assets and criminal cases against them through an affidavit.

(c) Through an order, the Election Commission has made it necessary for all parties to conduct organized elections and file income tax returns. Apart from these, by creating pressure on political parties by the people, movements like And it can also be possible through media, etc. In this way, democracy can be strengthened.

3. Why are political parties needed in a democracy?

Answer- Political parties are needed in a democracy because of the following reasons-

(a) There are big countries in the world which have a democratic system because these big rules by one person are not possible in countries, so groups of many people rule together. In such a situation people as a group political party needed to organize.

(b) In a democratic system, the ruling class is elected by the votes of the people. For this, a country or province is divided into several constituencies. Political parties field their candidates to represent the public in the elections and form the government after getting a majority. It is not possible for a person to form a government by winning elections in an area, in such a situation a political party is needed.

(c) People of an ideology are included in the political party, who form the government after getting a majority in the election and rule for the entire term. But if people of different ideologies who win from different constituencies form the government.

If any differences arise between them, the government formed by them will be temporary. In such a situation effective political parties are needed. Those who can run the government properly when they come to power. Thus we can say that political parties play an important role in making democracy effective and strong.

4. What is the difference between a federal political party and a provincial party?

Answer – Difference between national political party and provincial party There are two types of political parties in the world’s federal system of democracy – parties existing in only one of the federal units and parties existing in many or all the units of the federation. They are spread all over the country and are called national parties.

These parties have units in different states. Every party in the country has to register itself with the Election Commission. The commission treats all parties equally but it gives some preference to the big and established parties. Provides special features. These parties are called recognized parties.

If a party secures 6% of the total votes polled in the Lok Sabha elections or some of the votes polled in the Legislative Assembly elections of four states, then it gets the recognition of a national political party. Like- Indian National Congress Bharatiya Janata Party.

When a party secures 6 percent of the votes polled in an election to the State Legislative Assembly orTotalachieves more than that and wins at least two seats If so, it gets recognition as a political party in its state. Like- Samajwadi Party, Samta Party etc.

5. What is meant by regional parties? How are regional parties different from national parties?do they differ?

Meaning of post-regional parties- Regional parties are such political parties in India whose influence is not limited to the entire nation or country but only to their regions or any province. The influence and work area of ​​regional parties is limited to a particular state and region. Sometimes, these parties are formed only to highlight a particular demand of a region. The major regional parties of India are Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) and Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in Tamil Nadu, Telugu Desam in Andhra Pradesh, and National Conference in Jammu and Kashmir. Difference between national parties and regional parties-

(a) National parties are those which have influence in the entire nation or country. The working area of ​​these parties would not be any province or region of the country, but the entire country. Is. But regional parties are those whose influence and area of ​​work is in one part of the country. limited to a province or region.

(b) Branches of national parties are spread in most of the states of the country and their members are also people living in different provinces, but the branches of regional parties are limited to one province or region only.

6. What is the importance of regional parties? Role of Importance of Regional Parties It is a natural thing for a vast country like India to have regional parties. These parties have their own importance and role to play.

(a) These regional parties deal with the problems of the people living in a particular area they are related, so they are able to serve the people of their respective areas more.

(b) When the members of these parties are elected to the Parliament, they attract the attention of the whole nation to the problems.

(c) Generally: Such parties strengthen the opposition party, therefore they do an important job of keeping the central government alert.

7 What do you understand by the national parties of India? What are their characteristics?

At present, there are many national parties and regional parties in North India. Characteristics of national parties- (a) National parties are those parties whichInTotalof vote

At least 6 percent share and that too in at least 4 states. The Election Commission gives the status of a national party to such parties.

(b) Such parties think of countrywide issues and leave regional issues to regional parties.

(c) They have to decide their policies keeping in mind the people of the whole country.

(d) the focus of such parties is more on forming the government at the center and they play the role of either the ruling party or the opposition party at the center.

National Teams of India-At present, the following are the main national parties in the Indian Parliament-

(a) Indian National Congress,

(b) Nationalist Congress Party,

(c) Bharatiya Janata Party,

(d) Communist Party of India and

(e) Communist Party (Marxist),

(f) In 1997, the Bahujan Samaj Party has also been given the status of a national party by the Election Commission due to fulfilling the above conditions.

8. Write a short note on Indian National Congress.

Answer – Indian National Congress – This party, formed in 1885, has been divided many times. After independence, it played a major role for several decades at the national and provincial levels.

Under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, this party tried to make India a modern secular democratic republic. It ruled the country continuously till 1971 and again from 1980 to 1989.

After 1989, the public support of this party decreased, but it still maintains its base in the whole country and in all sections of society. Centrist in its ideological orientation (neither left nor right), this party has made secularism and the interests of weaker sections and minority communities its main agenda.

This party is a supporter of new economic policies, but it is also conscious that these policies should not have a bad effect on the poor and weaker sections.

9. Write a short note on Bharatiya Janata Party. 

Answer – Bharatiya Janata Party – This party was formed in 1980 by reviving the old Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Strong by taking inspiration from India’s ancient culture and values

Cultural nationalism (or Hindutva) is a key element in its conception of Indian nationalism and politics and aims to create a modern India. The party is against granting special status to Jammu and Kashmir at the regional and political levels. It is in favor of creating a uniform civil code for people of all religions living in the country and banning religious conversion.

In the 1990s, its support base became much wider. This party, which was earlier limited to the northern and western, and urban areas of the country, increased its base in the south, east, northeast and rural areas of the country in this decade, this party came to power in 1998 as the leader of the National Democratic Alliance. The coalition consisted of several provincial and regional parties.

10. Write a short note on Bahujan Samaj Party.

Answer – Bahujan Samaj Party – Formed in 1984 under the leadership of the late Kanshi Ram. Attempt to gain political power for and claim to represent the Bahujan Samaj, which includes Dalits, Adivasis, backward castes, and religious minorities. The party draws inspiration from the thoughts and teachings of Shahu Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker, and Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Most active on the issues of the welfare of Dalits and weaker sections and protection of their interests, the main base of this party is in Uttar Pradesh, but this party is also strong enough in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, and Punjab. It formed the government thrice in Uttar Pradesh with support from different parties on different occasions.

11. Write a short note on Nationalist Congress Party.

Post-Nationalist Congress Party This party was formed in 1999 following a split in the Congress Party. Faith in democracy, Gandhian secularism, equality, social justice, and federalism. This party wants to reserve key posts in the government only for citizens born in India. Apart from being a major force in Maharashtra, it is also strong in Meghalaya, Manipur, and Assam. Partner in the Government of Maharashtra with the Congress.

12 Write a short note on the Communist Party of India – Marxist (CPIM).

Answer- Communist Party of India Marxist- Marxist established in 1964-Faith in Leninism. Supporter of socialism, secularism, and democracy and opponent of imperialism and communalism. This party considers democratic elections helpful and useful in achieving the goal of social and economic justice in India. Very strong base in West Bengal, Kerala, and Tripura.

Good hold among the poor, factory workers, agricultural laborers, and intellectuals. This party is a new initiative to allow the free movement of capital and goods in the country. A critic of economic policies. In rule for 30 consecutive years in West Bengal. In the 2004 elections, it won about 6 percent of the votes and 43 seats in the Lok Sabha.

13. Write a short note on the Communist Party of India (CPI).

Ans: Communist Party of India (CPI) – Formed in 1925. Marxist- Belief in Leninism, Secularism, and Democracy. An opponent of separatist and communal forces. This party considers parliamentary democracy as a tool to further the interests of the working class, farmers, and the poor.

After the split of 1964 (in which the CPI(M) broke away from it), its support base went on shrinking but it is still doing well in Kerala, West Bengal, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. However, its support has gradually waned. In the 2004 elections, it got 1.4 percent votes and 10 Lok Sabha seats. In favor of bringing together all the Left parties to form a strong Left Front.

Long answer type questions

1. Discuss the various roles of political parties in a democracy. Or, what is a political party? Discuss its functions in a democracy.

Or, Explain the importance of political parties in a democracy. OR Describe any three important functions of political parties in a democracy.

Answer- Political party – A group of people who have similar views and who agree on the various problems of the country is called a political party.

Importance, roles, and functions of political parties- Political parties have their own special importance in a democracy. They perform many important functions in a democracy-

(a) Political parties contest elections and give a maximum number of candidates to their candidates. They try to win with more votes.

(b) Political parties present different policies and programs to the voters.put forward and try to get their support.

(c) Political parties play an important role in the law-making of the country.

(d) In a democracy, every party tries to form the government. On winning the election, the majority party forms the government and runs the government according to its policies. The other party plays the role of the opposing party.

(e) In a democracy, the political party in the public through various means of propaganda creates awareness and does a very important job of creating the right public opinion. Political parties also give political education to the public.

(f) Political parties act as a link between the government and the public. the ruling party takes the programs run by the government to the people.

(g) On the one hand, where the ruling party highlights its achievements in elections, the opposition parties place the mistakes of the government in front of the people. In this way, people get accurate information about each and every problem faced by the country, state, and local units. Only after such information, voters are able to exercise their vote properly.

2. What are the challenges before political parties?

Answer – Challenges before political parties – Political parties are very important for democracy. They act as a link between the government and the people. Much depends on the political parties for the proper functioning of democracy. That’s why when democracy does not run properly, people’s displeasure is only on political parties. general displeasure andThe criticism focus only on four aspects of the functioning of political parties. These four challenges before the political party are as follows-

(a) Absence of internal democracy within the parties- Democracy means that the workers should be consulted before taking any decision but in reality, nothing like this happens. Only a few top leaders take all the decisions. Due to this, there is resentment among the workers, which both parties prove harmful to the public.

(b) Establishment of the dynasty- Because most of the parties do not do their work in a transparent manner, their leaders gradually keep on promoting their relatives and fathers only. In such a situation, family members and close people remain occupied in high positions. This is a complete injustice to other members of the party and is completely against the spirit of democracy. It has often been seen that inexperienced and incompetent people occupy high positions and sensible and capable people remain standing.

(c) Dominance of money and criminal elements- The third challenge faced by political parties is the increasing infiltration of money and money, especially during election days. In the race to win the election, the political party tries to establish the majority of its party by improper use of money. In such a situation, they do not hesitate to take criminal elements along with them. What good can people get from such parties?

(d) Lack of right choice- In today’s era, not only in India but all over the world political parties lack the right choice. There is nothing new to present to them. If you look carefully, the policies and programs of various parties seem to be similar, let alone others, the Bahujan Samaj Party, which works for the lower class, has also started to unite the upper class, especially the Brahmins, and pull them towards the Muslims.

In this way, there is no special difference between the policies of his Congress and the Samajwadi Party. The desire for power has united the policies of many political parties. Only the candidates and the leaders are different, their policies and programs are almost the same, and thus the voters get confused.

3. Give some suggestions to strengthen political parties so that they can do their work better.

Answer- If we have to improve political parties, then there are many changes in their functioning. Kind of reforms have to be brought.

(a) In order to prevent defection, it has been decided by the constitution that MPs and MLAs will have to leave their seats after changing the party.

(b) To reduce the influence of money and criminals, the Supreme Court has issued an order that every candidate will have to give details of his assets and criminal cases in an affidavit.

(c) The Election Commission has ordered political parties to continuouslyConduct organizational elections and declares their income in their income tax return giving details of

(d) Political parties must give tickets to a one-third number of women while choosing their candidates.

(e) To lift the political parties out of the quagmire is necessary that the government itself should bear the expenses of the elections.

(f) Common citizens can also keep an eye on the improper actions of political parties. They can write about their shortcomings in the newspapers and help them to get on the right path by highlighting their shortcomings through the media. The weaknesses of political parties can be reduced to a great extent by the above measures.

4 Why modern democracy cannot run without political parties? Describe.

Answer:-If there is no party, then all the candidates will be independent or independent. Then none of it would be in a position to make election promises to the people about major policy changes. A government will be formed but its usefulness will be doubtful. Elected representatives will be accountable only for the work done in their constituencies. But, no one will be responsible for how the country is run. We can also test this thing by keeping the example of panchayat elections held on a non-party basis.

Although the parties do not formally put up their candidates in these elections, we find that on the occasion of the elections, the whole village gets divided into several camps and each camp puts up a ‘panel’ of candidates for all the posts. Political parties also do the same thing. This is the reason why we see political parties in almost all the countries of the world whether the country is big or small, new or old, developed or developing.

The rise of political parties is associated with the rise of a democratic system based on representation. When societies become large and complex, they need some medium or agency to bring together different views on various issues and bring them to the notice of the government. Representatives from different places need to come together so that a responsible government can be formed.


Q. What are the election symbols of the six parties?

Answer –
(a) The election symbol of the Indian National Congress is the hand,
(b) Kamal of the Bharatiya Janata Party,
(c) The founder and star of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
(d) sickle and paddy ear of the Communist Party of India,
(e) Elephant of Bahujan Samaj Party,
(b) Clock of Nationalist Congress Party

Q. What is a regional party?

Answer- Regional parties implement their political activities in a particular area and work for the interest of their particular area, are called regional parties.

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