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NCERT Class 10 History Ch-2 Question Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China PDF
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 02 |
Chapter Name | The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | History |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | Question Answer |
Important keywords
Structurally: Large projects that form the structure of the economy. Big road projects, power stations or rail networks, etc. are similar projects.
unilateral contract arrangement: This type of wage system was quite prevalent in the plantations of Vietnam. In this system, the workers worked under such contracts in which the workers were not given any special rights while the owners got unlimited rights. If the laborers could not complete their work under the terms of the contract, the owners used to file cases against them, punish them, and put them in jails.
syncretism: A belief in which an attempt is made to bring different beliefs and practices together, focusing on similarities rather than differences.
concentration camps: A type of prison in which people are imprisoned without following the legal process. On hearing this word, pictures of ruthless torture and intense torture flash in my mind.
Republic: Governance system based on public representation and consent of the general public. Unlike a monarchy, such a government is based on the power of the people (democracy).
napalm: An organic compound used to inflate gasoline for fire bombs. This mixture burns slowly and when it comes in contact with any surface like a human uncle, it sticks to it and keeps burning. This chemical, developed in America, was used in World War II. It was used extensively in Vietnam despite strong international opposition.
short or long answer Type questions

Write in brief-
1. Write short notes on the following-
(a) What was meant by the ‘civilizing mission’ of the colonialists?
Answer: The ‘civilization mission’ of the explorers means- French colonialism was not only focused on economic exploitation but behind was also working on a ‘civilization mission’. According to this mission, every European colonist believed that the most advanced civilization had been established in Europe. That’s why they believed that it is the responsibility of the Europeans to spread these modern ideas. It is their duty to make the people of colonies like Asia and Africa civilized and educated. To fulfill this responsibility, if they have to destroy local cultures, religions, and traditions, then there is no harm in it.
(b) Huin Fu So. ,
Answer: Huynh Phu So was the founder of the Hao-Hoo movement in Vietnam in 1939. The movement became very popular in the lushly green Mekong Delta region. The Hoa Hao agitators were against the colonial rule of France. Huin Fu So was a man of witchcraft and helping the poor.
His sermons against wasteful expenditure had a great impact on the people. He was strongly opposed to the sale and purchase of girl brides, alcohol, and opium. A lot of effort was made by the French to crush this movement of Huin Phu So. In this episode, he declared Huin Fu So insane and put him in a mental asylum.
But later the doctor of the same mental asylum who had declared him insane became his follower. Finally, in 1941 the doctors also agreed that Huin Fu So was not insane. After that, he was sent from Vietnam to Laos. Many of his supporters and followers were put in concentration camps.
2. Explain the following-
(a) Only one-third of Vietnamese students were able to complete school successfully.
Answer: To connect the educated people in Vietnam with French ideas, the French tried to make them feel that French culture and language is more superior to Vietnamese language, culture, and tradition. But still, most of the Vietnamese population could not go to the schools of French influence and only a few people could get admission to such schools because Vietnamese people felt that the French were engaged in destroying their language and culture.
In addition, Vietnamese students were often discriminated against in French-influenced schools, often deliberately done by teachers there to prevent Vietnamese students from getting well-paying jobs. Where almost 2/3 students of in Vietnam were declared unsuccessful in the examination, whereas only 1/3 of students were successful in it. a guess. According to the 1925 Vietnamese population of 17 million, only 400 children could pass the school examination.
(b) The French started building canals and drying the lands in the Mekong Delta region.
Answer: Canals and drains were built by the French in the Mekong Delta regions of Vietnam. This system, which was created by employing most of the people forcefully, increased the production of rice considerably. As a result, Vietnam has given many other countries started exporting rice.
(c) The government ordered that the Saigon Native Girls’ School take back a girl who had been expelled from the school.
Answer: In 1926, a Vietnamese girl at school was asked to get up from the front row and sit in the back. Saigon Native Girls
This dispute in the school took the form of a huge movement. When the situation started getting out of control, the government issued an order that the girl be taken back to the school. The principal of the school admitted the girl back to the school, but at the same time declared that ‘I will crush all the Vietnamese under my feet.
Wow ! Do you guys want to send me back? Buckle up, as long as a single Vietnamese dares to settle in Cochin China, I’m not going to leave.” In other areas, the government fiercely opposed the move, which forced Vietnamese children to find well-paying jobs. not found. By now the students were imbued with the feeling of patriotism.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
History | Political Science |
English | Hindi |
(d) Rats abounded in the modern, newly built areas of Hanoi.
Answer: (i) The French chose a beautiful and clean part of the French-populated part of Hanoi to build a new modern city. There were wide roads and a good drainage system.
(ii) All the garbage and dirty water of the old city was dumped directly into the river. Even in the rainy season, all the filth used to flow on the roads. This filth was actually the beginning of the plague.
(iii) The huge sewer built in the modern part of the city was the most ideal place for rats to thrive. rats used to roam around the whole city without any reason.
(iv) To prevent the intrusion of rats into the well-kept houses of the 1902 to fill the area for catching ratsWent. In exchange for every rat forced to do this workRewards started being given.
(V) In 1903, a terrible epidemic of bubonic plague broke out in the newly built part of Hanoi, in which the condition of Hanoi became very bad.
(vi) Rats were caught in large quantities to deal with this epidemic. On May 30 alone, 20,000 rats were caught, but the rats did not take the name of extermination. The Vietnamese understood the importance of collective bargaining through this rat-killing movement. They felt that if they united, they could bargain for better wages. After killing rats, every Vietnamese had to bring their tails with them as evidence.
3. What were the ideas behind the establishment of the Tonkin Free School? How accurate is this example in terms of colonial ideas in Vietnam?
Answer: (i) The Tonkin Free School was opened in 1907 by the colonial French government to impart western-style education (which included science, hygiene, and French languages) to the Vietnamese.
(ii) The school was of the opinion that in order to become modern, the Vietnamese had to become like the people of the West. That’s why this school insisted on the adoption of Pashwani styles by its students.
(iii) It used biased text material that made fun of Vietnamese culture.
(iv) Teachers and students did not blindly follow these books and courses. Somewhere they were openly opposed, then many people quietly registered resistance. Got it done Thus the Tonkin Free School is a perfect example of colonial ideas in Vietnam.
4. What was the purpose of Phan Chu Trinh regarding Vietnam? fan boiWhat was the difference between Chau and his views?
Answer: Phan Chu Trinh Phan Chu Trinh was a prominent leader of Vietnam who strongly opposed the monarchy. He did not approve that the help of the royal court or the king should be taken to get the French out of the country. Symbols influenced by the democratic ideals of the West were completely against Western civilization. Apart from this, he liked the French revolutionary ideals of freedom, but at the same time, he also believed that the French themselves were not following those ideals.
They wanted the French government to establish legal and educational institutions in Vietnam as well as to develop agriculture and industries. Fan Boi Chau – Fan Boi Chau (1867–1940) was an important nationalist educated in the Confucian tradition.
In 1903, he formed a party called ‘The Revolutionary Society’. His most influential book, The History of the Loss of Vietnam, focuses on two intertwined ideas. Like Phan Chu Trinh, Phan Boi Chau freed Vietnam from French influence. Korana wanted, but he wanted the establishment of traditional Chinese rule in Vietnam. Apart from this, he considered the role of the royal court and the elite class of Vietnam as important in liberating Vietnam.
2. What was the role of religious organizations in the development of anti-colonial sentiments in Vietnam?
Answer: Religious organizations played an important role in the development of anti-colonial sentiments in Vietnam. In this context, the Hoa Hao was a famous anti-colonial movement that began in 1939 under the leadership of Huynh Phu Sa. Such movements had a conflicting relationship with the mainstream of nationalism.
Political parties used to try to take advantage of the public support associated with such movements, but were also restless due to their activities. The French government put a large number of supporters and followers of these movements in concentration camps. But still, they could not suppress the anti-colonial sentiments of the people. In this context, the example of the ‘Scholars’ Revolt’ of 1868 can be given, which was one of the early movements against the French occupation and the propagation of Christianity.
The reins of this movement were in the hands of the officers of the royal court. These officers were angry with the spread of French Catholicism and French power. Although this movement was crushed by the French, still it did spread enthusiasm among other patriots against the French. Thus the contribution of such movements in shaking imperialist sentiments cannot be underestimated.
3. Explain the reasons for American involvement in the Vietnam War. What effect did this act of America have on life in America?
Answer: The main reason for American participation in the Vietnam War was the spread of communism there because America was against the spread of communism in the world. This was the reason that America sent its troops to Vietnam. This war had the following effects on America-
(i) Military Loss – America had to bear a lot of military losses in the Vietnam War. In this, about 47,244 American soldiers were killed and 3,03,704 were injured. About 23,014 of the injured were declared permanently disabled by the ex-servicemen administration.
((ii) Special of the policies of the American government in the country itself- Many people in America were protesting that the government has thrown the country into a war that cannot be won under any circumstances. When the youth When people were forcibly recruited into the army, the anger of the people increased and the policies of the US government were criticized all around.
(iii) Impact on media and films American media and films also played an important role in raising the voices of support and opposition to this war. The Green Berets and Apocalyptic Now were similar notable films.
(iv) Internal and International Resistance Due to this war, the opposition to America became vocal in the international community, which was supported by various scholars and international organizations. Political theorist Noam Chomsky described the war as a ‘grave threat to peace, to the right of national self-determination and to international cooperation’. Widespread reactions against government policy fueled efforts to end the war.
(v) Pact and end of the war – In January 1974, the war ended under a peace accord in Paris, but the Saigon regime and the N.L.F. conflict between them stayed. But with the occupation of the Presidential Palace in 1975A single nation consisting of both parts of VietnamThe installation has been done.
4. Evaluate the Vietnamese war against America from the point of view of-
(a) A coolie carrying goods on the Ho Chi Minh Maze.
Answer: The Ho Chi Minh Labyrinth Street is indicative of how the Vietnamese fought against the US. Secondly, it also shows how the Vietnamese used their limited resources wisely in this war. Through this vast network of footpaths and roads, troops and logistics were sent from north to south of the country. Through this route, about 20 thousand North Vietnamese soldiers started reaching the southern part every month.
Small military bases and hospitals were built in this route. Trucks were also used to transport goods in some areas, but mostly this work was done by coolies. America bombed it many times to close this route, but it was not possible to break it because people used to repair it immediately after every attack.
(b) a woman constable.
Answer: Vietnamese women, especially from the lower classes, traditionally had more equal status, but were still weaker than men. They could not take important decisions regarding their future, nor did they have any special interference in public life. But as the nationalist movement in Vietnam began to gain momentum, the status of women in society and
Questions were also raised on the status quo and a new picture of femininity began to emerge. Now the rebellious women of the olden days are also being glorified. Warrior women were depicted in various plays and stories.
In the 1960s, photographs of female warriors taking on the enemy began to appear in large numbers in magazines and newspapers, including women from the local sentinel squad shooting down planes. In the 1960s, when large numbers of soldiers were killed in the war, women were also called upon to join the army. Many women took this call seriously and joined the resistance movement. According to one military historian, about 1.5 million women served in the Vietnamese army, militia, local squads, and professional gangs.
5. What was the role of women in the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam? Compare this with the role of women in the Indian nationalist struggle ।
Answer: Women played a significant role in the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam.Played an important role which is as follows-
(i)The heroic exploits of ancient Vietnamese heroines such as Trieu Ayu and the Trung Sisters greatly influenced 20th-century women, leading them to actively participate as warriors in the Vietnamese independence struggle.
(ii) When a large number of male soldiers started becoming casualties in the sixties, a large number of women joined the army and took part in dressing the wounded, making underground rooms and tunnels, and fighting the enemy.
(iii) But after the end of the war, the practice of presenting women as warriors started ending. Instead of serving as soldiers, they were seen in agricultural cooperatives, factories, and production units. I started showing up while working.
The participation of women in India’s freedom struggle is also no less than the contribution of Vietnamese women. Here also there have been women like Lakshmibai who fought fiercely against British rule. Apart from this, the contribution of women in the Indian National Army and Gandhiji’s Satyagraha movement cannot be forgotten.
Class 10 History Solution
Which countries used to come to the Indo-China region?
In 1887, three regions of Vietnam (Tonkin in the north, Annam in the middle, and Cochinchina in the south) were merged with Cambodia. Laos was added in 1893 and Guangzhou Van in 1898. Its capital was Saigon until 1902, then Hanoi until 1939, and Da Lat until 1945.
Is Nepal a part of China or India?
Nepal, a country in Asia, is located along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain range. It is a landlocked country located between India to the east, south and west and China’s Tibet Autonomous Region to the north.