Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for important question answers in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity?
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 03 |
Chapter Name | Democracy and Diversity |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | Civics / sst |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | VVI QUESTION |
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity

very Short answers type question
1 Who are the black American people?
Answer – Those people who are children of slaves brought from Africa and are now living in America are called black Americans.
2 Why did black American people run the Civil Rights Movement?
Answer – Because he wanted that no one discriminated against him on the basis of race.
Which black leader led the civil rights movement?
Answer – Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr.
For how many years did this civil rights movement continue in America?
Answer- This went on for some 14-15 years, between 1954 and 1968.
5 How long did the black power movement last?
Answer- This movement continued for about 10 years from 1966 to 1975 AD.
6 Why was the Civil Rights Movement launched in America and by whom was it launched?
Civil Rights Movement in North America (1954–1968) – A series of events and reform movements that aimed to end racial discrimination against Afro-Americans. The form of this movement fought under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. was completely non-violent. This led to calls for an end to discriminatory laws and practices on the basis of race, which ultimately succeeded.
7 What is the meaning of Afro-American?
Eko American – Afro-American, Black American, or Black is the term used for the descendants of African people who were brought to America as slaves from the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century.
8 What do you understand by the black power movement?
Answer – The Black Power Movement emerged in 1966 and continued till 1975. The attitude of this movement was more fierce regarding racism. It is believed that there is no harm in resorting to violence to eradicate racism in America.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
History | Political Science |
English | Hindi |
Short answer type questions
1. When and how do social differences take the form of social divisions?
(a) Social differences are generally based on birth, color, sex, language, religion, and culture.
(b) when one social difference becomes bigger and bigger than other differences so, it takes the form of social division.
(c) There are many differences between black and white citizens in a country like America, such as black people are generally poor, homeless, and victims of social oppression.
(d) Racial discrimination is the biggest of all these differences. so racial discrimination took the form of social division in America.
(d) when one kind of social difference is more important than other differences goes and people start to feel that these other communities belong to this a situation of social division arises.
2 What event happened in Mexico Olympic Games in 1968?
Answer – In the 1968 Olympic Games held in Mexico, two Afro-American runners Tommy Smith and John Carlos won gold and bronze medals respectively in the 200 meters race. But he opposed America’s apartheid policy in his own way while taking the medal at the medal ceremony.
He took the award without wearing shoes, only with socks, trying to show that black Americans are poor. Standing with their heads bowed and fists raised while the national anthem was played meant that they were helpless but would continue their struggle.
Black gloves and clenched fists were symbols of black power. Smith wore a black muffler around his neck and Carlos wore black beads around his neck to represent protest as well as the self-esteem of Afro-Americans.
With these symbols and methods, he tried to draw the attention of the international community towards apartheid in America.
3. Do all social differences translate into social divisions?
Answer: No, every social difference does not translate into social division. As in the same political party, there are people of different religions and castes, but inspired by the same objectives or policies, they live together and eat and drink together, and travel together.
But if the members of the same party start talking to each other internally, start hurting each other’s interests, and start helping the candidates of the other party from within in the elections, then there will be social division. turn into
With good behavior, co-thinking, honesty, and loyalty, sometimes even social divisions turn into brotherhood and love. Smith and Carlos were residents of Afro-America and on the other hand, Norman was from the white race and was also from another country, Australia, but still, he supported the black people because injustice was being done to them.
In this way, social differences will remain in every society, but we should be aware of our stupidity. Don’t turn them into social divisions by harsh, unjust treatment needed
4 “Not every social difference takes the form of social division.” Write an example.
Answer- Every social difference does not take the form of social division. SocialDifferences are certainly a major reason for division among people, but
These differences sometimes act as a bridge between different types of people. Do people belonging to different social groups beyond the boundaries of their own groups also experience similarities?
Example- In the 1968 Mexico Olympics, when two black players expressed dissatisfaction against apartheid, a non-black player Norman also supported them. Thus we see that despite social differences, both blacks and non-blacks opposed the policy of apartheid. Here social difference could not take the form of social division.
5 Where social differences collide with each other, there is social division. Explain.
Ans- (a) Social difference gives rise to social division but it is necessary
Not that every social difference becomes a difference of social division. (b) Social division occurs when some social difference is over and above many other differences.
(c) Dalits are poor and landless in India. They are often subjected to discrimination and injustice. They feel that they belong to another community and there is a big social gap between them and the rest of society.
(d) When people start feeling that they belong to another community and there is a situation of conflict with another group, then this social difference takes the form of social division.
6. Social divisions exist only in large countries like India. Explain.
Ans- (a) Indian society is not a homogenous society i.e. people of different religions, cultures, languages etc. exist in the society.
(b) Social diversity is found in every society, but it is not necessary that every social diversity leads to social division.
(c) Social division is seen in most of the societies of the world,It doesn’t matter whether the country is big or small.
(d) In any country big or small, where religious diversity, cultural diversity, linguistic diversity etc. exist, if these diversities are not handled in a rational way, then the possibility of social division prevails.
Long answer type questions
1 Discuss any three factors that determine the outcome of the politics of social divisions.
Answer – Three factors that determine the outcome of the politics of social divisions are as follows-
(a) How people perceive their identity: First of all, all outcomes depend on how people perceive their identity. If people perceive their identity as one and special then an adjustment will be difficult. As long as the people of Ireland thought of themselves only as Catholics or Protestants, it was difficult to resolve their differences.
It is easy if people understand that their identity is multifaceted and complementary to their national identity. Most Belgians speak Dutch or German. This helps them to live together. How do the people of our country see their identity? All those who consider themselves as Indians belong to a state or a linguistic group or a social or religious community.
(b) The role of political parties depends on the manner in which the leaders of political parties raise the demands of a community. It is easy to accept those demands which come within the constitutional ambit and which are not on the agenda of other communities. The demand made for the Sinhalese people is against the interests of the Tamil community, which lives in Sri Lanka. The leaders of various racist communities in Yugoslavia presented their demands in such a way that they could not be accommodated in one country.
(c) Attitude of the government- It depends on how the government reacts to the demands of different communities. As we have seen in the examples of Sri Lanka and Belgium, social divisions can be less dangerous for the country if the administrators seek power sharing and accept the legitimate demands of the minority community. But if such demand is suppressed in the name of the unity of the country, then the result may be the opposite. Such forced national unity often sows the seeds of disunity.
2. How do social divisions affect politics? Also, give two examples.
Answer – (a) Social divisions exist in every big or small country. Every political party because they want to win elections, they try to create some social divide. Let’s try to take it along.
(b) Social division promotes the feeling of discrimination in society, which threatens national unity and integrity.
(c) Social division promotes political instability.
(d) In most countries the pattern of voting is determined by social division happens because each social group has a particular political orientation. It is on the side of the party.
(i) Fierce conflict between the Catholic and Protestant communities in Northern Ireland due to which political instability arose there.
(ii) Yugoslavia was divided into many parts in the political competition on the religious and ethnic basis in Yugoslavia.
3. Social division is mostly based on birth.” Explain.
Answer- Social division is mostly based on birth. Generally, it is not in our control to choose our community. We become members of a particular community only on the basis that we are born into a family belonging to that community.
We experience social divisions based on birth almost every day in our daily lives. We see around us that whether a man or woman, tall or short, everyone has different skin color, have different physical abilities or disabilities.
However, not all social divisions are based solely on birth. Some things are also decided on the basis of our choice or choice. Many people also choose the religion of their choice apart from their parents and family. All of us choose the subject of studies, profession, sports, or cultural activities as per our choice. Social groups are formed on the basis of all these and they are not based on birth.
Not every social difference takes the form of social division. Social differences are definitely a major reason for division among people, but these differences sometimes act as a bridge between different types of people.
People belonging to different social groups experience similarities and dissimilarities even beyond the boundaries of their groups. Carlos and Smith were similar in one respect (both were Afro-American) while Norman was white. But all three had one thing in common they were all against race-based discrimination.
1. What is meant by a homogenous society?
Answer – Homogeneous Society – A society in which community, cultural or ethnic differences are not very deep.
2. How did Afro-American players express their protest in the 1968 Mexico Olympics?
Answer- Two Afro-American players named Tommy Smith and John Carlos tried to show that they are poor and victims of apartheid policy by taking the award without wearing shoes and only wearing socks in protest against the apartheid policy of America.
3. Who was Martin Luther King Jr. and what did he do for the Anglo-American people?
Answer- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a great leader of the Afro-American people who started the civil rights movement in America.
Forced the government to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965 for African Americans.