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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 04 |
Chapter Name | Gender, Religion and Caste |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | Civics / sst |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | VVI QUESTION |
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste

very Short answers type question
1. What is the status of the representation of women in the legislatures of India?
Answer- The proportion of women representatives in the legislatures (Parliament and Provincial Legislatures) of India is very less. 10% of women MPs in Lok Sabha is also less.
2. How much is the literacy of women in India and how much is that of men?
In North India, the female literacy rate is 54% while that of males is 76%.
Is our society patriarchal or matriarchal?
Answer – Patriarchal, because it is still dominated by men over women.
4 What is gender inequality?
Answer- When any kind of discrimination is done between men and women, it is called gender inequality.
Name three types of social inequalities.
Answer: Social inequalities based on gender, religion, and caste.
6 What is the literal meaning of Pitru Pradhan?
Answer – Pitru Pradhan – Its literal meaning is the rule of the father, but this term is also used for the system that gives more importance and power to men than women.
7 What is family law?
Ans- Family law- Laws related to matters related to families like marriage, divorce, adoption, and succession are applicable to all religions in our country. There is a different family law.
8 What is the Varna system?
Chata-varna-vyavastha – Hierarchy of caste groups in which people of one caste would be at the top of the social rung while those of another caste group would be successively below them.
9 What do you mean by a caste system?
Answer – Caste system- Sham Shastri in his famous book ‘Origin of Caste’ has given the definition of caste system in these words – “The organization of some people in activities like marriage and food is called the caste system.”
10 What is urbanization?
Answer – The migration of people from rural areas to cities is called urbanization.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
History | Political Science |
English | Hindi |
Short answer type questions
1. Give details of different types of communal politics and also give one example each.
Answer- When people of some religions start considering their religion superior to others, then this feeling is called communalism. Often, under this feeling, people start connecting religion with politics.
Communalism can take many forms in politics-
(a) A person inspired by communalism starts considering his religion superior to the religion of others. We must have often seen many religious leaders praising their respective religions. They build bridges in favor of their religion.
(b) Communal ideology always tries to establish its dominance through its own religion in one way or the other. Those who are in majority try to impose majoritarianism on the people of minority communities which is always against the parliamentary traditions. This is happening in Sri Lanka.
(c) In electoral politics, many politicians play with the religious sentiments of different religious communities and try to fool them and simple people get misled by them.
(d) Sometimes communal politics takes its worst form when it leads to riots between people on the basis of religion and sect. In which thousands of innocent people are killed. Something similar happened at the time of the partition of the country in 1947 when thousands of people became victims of bad communal politics. fell victim to
Give two reasons why election results in India are decided only on the basis of caste. cannot be determined. Or, what is the effect of caste on politics?
Answer – It is right that in politics or in elections caste sentiments must have influence. It happens but is very minor. caste is the basis of politics or elections is not true. This becomes more clear from the following description.
(a) No one caste has a majority in any one parliamentary election would. Therefore, the candidate has to win the trust of people of all castes and not of one caste.
(b) If a particular constituency is dominated by people of one caste, then different political parties put up candidates of the same caste. In such a situation, the influence of that caste keeps on disappearing.
(c) How many times it has been seen that people of the same caste who make a candidate successful once, remove him the next time? so he called it ethnic influence.
(d) Caste is not the only important role in elections, many different factors also play an important role. Deep connection with political parties, the work done by the government, and the popularity of the leaders.Plays an important role in elections. That’s why to say that politics or election is a game of castes is completely wrong.
3 Explain how caste inequalities still continue in India.
Answer – The caste system is an integral part of Indian society. From time to time many changes came in it and many reformers tried to improve it. The constitution has also prohibited caste discrimination of any kind and has emphasized ending the injustice arising out of the caste system. But despite all this, the caste system has not gone away from contemporary India. Some of the old aspects of the caste system still exist.
Even now most people marry within their own caste or tribe. The castes had established dominance in the fields of education and writing for centuries, this is still the case today. And it is they who have the sway in modern education.
The members of those castes which were earlier denied education are still inherently backward. The people who had established dominance in the economic field, it is still present today after some difference. There is a close relationship between caste and economic status.
Despite the constitutional provision in the country, the practice of untouchability has not yet ended completely. Has not happened.
4. What is the status of the representation of women in the legislatures of India? • Or what is the percentage of representation of women in the Legislatures of India? What is being done to rectify this?
Answer- The proportion of women representatives in the legislatures (Parliament and Provincial Legislatures) of India is very less. The number of women MPs in the Lok Sabha is less than 10%. Their representation in the provincial assembly is even lower, never exceeding 5%.
In this matter, India’s number is less than many countries around the world. It surprises us to know that India lags far behind many African American countries in terms of female representation.
But now women’s organizations and the government are paying attention to rectifying the issue. Many feminist movements and women’s organizations have come to the conclusion that the problems of women cannot be solved until their participation in power is justified.
One-third of the posts under Panchayati Raj in rural areas and in municipalities in cities have been reserved for women. Now efforts are on by women’s organizations and activists that one-third of the seats in Lok Sabha and state assemblies should be reserved for women. One such bill is also pending before the Parliament for decision.
5. Mention any two constitutional provisions which make India a secular country.
Ans- (a) India does not have any official religion. Buddhism, as in Sri Lanka, Islam is in Pakistan and Hinduism was the state religion of Nepal till recently. Our constitution does not give any special status to any religion.
(b) Our constitution gives freedom to all individuals and communities to propagate or practice their religion in any way or not to follow any religion. The Constitution does not allow discrimination in the name of religion.
6 What do you mean by communalism? give it away write down the measures.
Answer- To consider your religion high and to consider other religions low
The tendency to love and hate other religions is called communalism. The such feeling becomes the main reason for mutual quarrels and thus present a big obstacle in the path of democracy. The partition of the country was the result of this feeling. Communalism can be removed by the following measures-
(a) By education- Goodness of all religions should be told in the curriculum of education and taught students tolerance and respect for all religions
(b) Through propaganda – through newspapers, radio, television, etc., education on religious tolerance should be given to the public.
7 What is communalism? Mention the factors which gave rise to communalism in India.
Answer- Communalism means creating affection towards one’s own community and hatred towards other communities. In other words, consider your religion to be the best Creating hatred towards other religions. Factors promoting communalism in India-
(a) Disputes arise regarding religious places. Political parties give more prominence to these controversies. They start speaking in favor of different sects for the sake of votes, due to which communal feelings flare up among the people of different sects.
(b) Giving more importance to a particular community by political parties and elections to encourage campaigns on the basis of religion.
(c) Radicals play an important role in the development of communalism. They keep spreading religious frenzy in society.
8 What is casteism? How can we remove the evils of casteism?
Answer – Casteism is such a behavior, by which the people of the upper class get agitated. Start hating the class. Birth is the basis of the caste system.
Ways to deal with its evils-
(a) Public opinion should be created against casteism.
(b) the government by law should take measures to bring about equality between men and women it
9 What are the side effects of casteism?
Answer- Social inequality or casteism in the way of democracy due to the following reasons becomes a hindrance…
(a) Social inequality or casteism gives rise to a feeling of inferiority. There is oppression and exploitation of one caste by another caste. This environment is a big obstacle to democracy.
(b) Due to social inequality or casteism, the public gets divided into different classes, many discriminations arise from them and the unity of the country does not happen.
(c) Due to social inequality or casteism, people start voting on the same basis, which is very harmful to democracy.
10. What do you understand by the secular state?
A secular state is a state that treats all religions as equal. India also has 10 secular states. Every citizen in India whether he is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Christian, has the right to follow his religion. Our country does not take sides with any particular religion. Nor does it discriminate against any religion. Full freedom for every religion to grow and progress in India
Long answer type questions
1. Mention the various aspects of life in which women in India are discriminated against or are in a weak position.
Answer – Various aspects of life where women are discriminated against in India
(a) The low position of women in society- In Indian society, women have been kept under the control of men only. let him ever live freelyOpportunities not provided.
(b) Neglect towards girls- Even today girls are neglected in many ways. Even today every one is very happy about the birth of a boy • and many celebrate, but on the birth of a girl, there is silence in the family. Secondly, the birth of a girl child is considered a burden on the family as she has to give something or the other to the family from birth to death. Thirdly, girls are discriminated against even in the field of education. Fourth, while boys are taught some work or the other to earn a living, girls are confined to the kitchen.
(c) Neglect of women’s education: There are still many people who do not pay attention to the education of girls. Their education is limited to only a few religious texts. Although some progress has been seen in this direction and some girls have also started getting higher education, the literacy rate among females is still 54% while among males it is 76%.
Similarly, even now only a limited number of girls passing school have been able to take the step towards higher education because the parents prefer to spend more on the education of girls than boys.
(d) Non-equal opportunities for work- Opportunities for work are also less for women as compared to men, and even when work is available, there is a huge difference in their wages. A woman laborer gets fewer wages than a man. Although both do the same thing. Now there are very few women who do not get high salaries and reach high positions.
(e) Reduction in the number of women in the Legislative Assemblies- Even now the number of women MPs in the Lok Sabha has not reached 100% and in the Legislative Assemblies, their number is less than 50%.
1 What is the basis of gender inequality?
Answer – The basis of gender inequality is not the biological makeup of men and womenThere are prevailing beliefs and social discrimination about both of them.
2 Who disturbs our social peace and harmony?
Answer – Caste fights, communal riots, regional violence, and hereditary enmity disturb our social peace and harmony.
3 What are minorities?
Answer- Minorities are those people who are not in majority in a particular region on the basis of religion or language.