Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for important question answers in NCERT History Chapter 1 Class 10 MCQs?

this chapter is very important for the exam. Many questions from this chapter have come in the exam. Because of this, it is very important to know the question and answers to this chapter.

So students, after reading this article, you will get a lot of marks from this chapter in the exam, because the questions related to all the exams have been described in it, so definitely read it completely.

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Chapter NameRise of Nationalism in Europe
Medium English
Study MaterialsMCQs

Objective questions and answers | Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers
NCERT Class 10 History Ch-1 Question Answers

Objective questions and answers

1 Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

(a) Emperor of Germany,

(b) Emperor of France,

(c) Emperor of Russia,

(d) The Emperor of England.


Who was ruling during the French Revolution in 1789?

(a) Louis XIV,

(b) Louis XVI

(c) Louis XV

(d) Napoleon.


3 Who is called the forerunner of the French Revolution?

(a) Napoleon

(b) Rousseau.

(c) Diderot

(d) Voltaire


4 When was Giuseppe Mazzini born?

(A) 1802 AD

(B) 1810 AD

(C) 1812 AD

(D) 1807 AD

Answer – (d)

5 When did the French Revolution happen?

(A) 1757 AD

(B) 1765 AD

(C) 1776 AD

(D) 1789 AD

Answer – (d)

6. Who was the author of the book called Social Provisions?

(a) Rousseau,

(b) Montesquieu,

(c) Diderot

(d) which lock.


7. Who founded the ‘Young Italy Society’?

(a) Cavour,

(b) Wismark,

(c) Mazzini,

(d) Gariboldi.


8 “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold. Whose statement is this?

(a) Mazzini,

(b) Metternich,

(c) Bismarck,

(d) Rousseau.


9 Who was the author of the book ‘The Spirit of Law’?

(a) Voltaire

(b) Divoro,

(c) Montesquieu

(d) Rousseau.


When did Wismarck become the Chancellor of Germany?

(a) 1848 ई०.

(b) 1856 ई०,

(c) 1800 ई०,

(d) 1862 ई० । 

Answer – (d)

When did Prussia go to war with Austria?

(a) 1860 ई०,

(b) 1863 ई०, 

(c) 1805 ई०

(d) 1866 ई०

Answer – (d)

By which treaty did Prussia cease war with Austria?

(a) Treaty of Vienna,

(b) Treaty of Versailles,

(c) Treaty of Paris,

(d) Treaty of London.

Answer – (a)

13 When was the unification of Italy completed?

(a) 1871 ई०,

(b) 1873 ई०,

(c) 1876 ई०.

(d) 1889 ई०।


14 Who founded the Bank of France?

(a) Napoleon Bonaparte,

(b) Louis XVI,

(c) Louis XIV,

(d) George III.

Answer – (a)

Where was Gariboldi a resident of?

(a) Venetia.

(b) Sardinia,

(c) Naples,

(d) Prague.


In which year the Napoleonic Code was implemented in France?

(a) 1815 ई०,

(b) 1804 ई०,

(c) 1789 ई०,

(d) 1799 ई०।


17 Masile is the patriotic song of which country?

(a) Russia

(b) of France,

(c) of Italy.

(d) Germany.


18 The state where the political power is made up of its cultural power, it is called-

(a) Welfare State,

(b) nation state,

(c) Republic,

(d) Monarchy.


19 What is the representation of an abstract feeling or idea in the form of a concrete figure, person or thing called?

(a) hypothesis,

(b) organization,

(c) Allegory.

(d) construction.


What are the symbols of broken fetters, torch, sword, rising sun etc. called?

(a) metaphor,

(b) revolution,

(c) change,

(d) Utopia

Answer – (a)

21 Who was Carroll Kurpisky?

(a) Italy Nationalist,

(d) Polish nationalists.

(c) Russian nationalist,

(D) French Nationalist

Answer – (d)

What does the blindfolded woman carrying scales symbolize?

(a) justice,

(b) Freedom,

(c) peace,

(d) Equality.

Answer – (a)

23 In which country was the rule of Burvo dynasty?

(a) in Russia,

(b) in England,

(c) in France,

(d) in America.


By which treaty was Greece recognized as an independent nation?

(a) of Constantinople,

(b) of Versailles,

(c) Act of Union,

(d) none of these

Answer – (a)

class 10th NotesMCQ
HistoryPolitical Science

25 Who was Frederick Soreau?

(a) Dictator of France,

(b) French poet,

(c) revolutionary,

(d) French painter.

Answer – (d)

What is the collective identity of a nation called?

(a) metaphor,

(b) Nationalism,

(c) conservatism,

(d) Imagery.


27 Marian was the symbol of nationalism of which country?

(a) Italy,

(b) Russia,

(c) Germany,

(d) France.

Answer – (d)

28 When was the treaty of Vienna done? 

(a) 1848 ई०.

(b) 1815 ई०.

(c) 1804 ई०.

(d) 1789 ई० ।


29 In which year was the Vienna Conference organized?

(a) 1815 ई०. 

(b) 1830 ई०.

(c) 1804 ई०.

(d) 1805 ई० ।

Answer – (a)

To which post did Victor Emmanuel appoint ‘Count Cavour’?

(a) Ambassador to France

(b) Prime Minister,

(c) Commander,

(d) Home Minister.

31 Which of the following women became a metaphor for the German nation?

(a) Marian,

(b) Germania,

(c) Britannia,

(d) Mazzini.


32 Such a government or system of governance, whose power is not controlled in any way, what is it called?

(a) Liberalism,

(b) Nationalism

(c) absolutism,

(d) Democracy.


33 The ideology which is based on the social, economic and political equality of men and women is called-

(a) Evolutionism,

(b) feminism,

(c) Women’s Commission,

(d) Matriarchy


34 Who among the following was declared the first ruler of a unified Italy?

(a) King George II,

(b) Kaiser William – IV.

 (c) Nicholas-II,

(d) Victor Emmanuel -II.


35 Who played an important role in uniting Germany?

(a) Friedrich Wilhelm –

(b) Otto von Bismarck,

(c) Metternich,

(d) Cancer William 1.


36 Which of the following countries is known as the cradle of civilization? 

(a) Italy,

(b) England,

(c) France

(d) Greece.

Answer – (d)

37 Who led the unification movement of Italy?

(a) Camilo de Cabur,

(b) Giuseppe Metsini,

(c) Victor Emmanuel II,

(d) Metternich.


38 What policy did Bismarck adopt for the unification of Germany?

(a) non-violence,

(b) blood and sword,

(c) peace talks,

(d) Alliance.


39 Who followed the policy of ‘blood and iron’?

(a) Bismarck

(b) Hitler

(c) Mazzini,

(d) William.

Answer – (a)

When was Greece recognized as an independent nation?

(a) 1836,

(b) 1842,

(c) 1830,

(d) 1832.


Where was Bismarck, who played a major role in the unification of Germany, the Chancellor?

(a) Prussia

(b) Munich,

(c) Austria

(d) Berlin.

Answer – (a)

42 What was the subject of Frederick Soreau?

(a) democracy,

(c) Capitalism,

(b) Socialism,

(d) none of these

Answer – (a)

43 After 1871, nationalist tensions in Europe

was a serious source of-

(a) Germany region,

(b) Asian region,

(c) Balkan region,

(d) Austria


44 Who was the ruler of Sardinia-Piedmont?

(a) Victor Emmanuel.

(b) William I,

(c) Napoleon-III,

(d) Count Kabur.

Answer – (a)

45. The birth of the concept of nationalism is believed to be from which event?

(a) French Revolution,

(b) Renaissance,

(c) Religious reform movement,

(d) Glorious Revolution.

Answer – (a)

Class 10 History Solution

Class 10 History MCQs
Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ncert history chapter 1 class 10 Mcqs Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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