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NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 01 |
Chapter Name | Power Sharing |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | Civics / sst |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | VVI QUESTION |
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

very Short answers type question
1 What do you mean by ethnic?
Answer- Social division in which each group considers its own culture as separate, that is, it is a social division based on shared culture. All members of any ethnic group believe that they originated from common ancestors and therefore have the same physical appearance and culture. It is not necessary that the members of such a group belong to any one religion or have the same nationality.
2 What do you mean by power-sharing?
Answer – When all the classes living inside the country were made partners in the power of the countryThis arrangement is called power sharing.
3 What is the benefit of power-sharing?
Answer – With the sharing of power no one living in the country feels alienated and all can live together.
4 What is called civil war?
Answer – When mutual conflict and fighting starts between different groups living in the same country, then such a food war is called civil war, like the civil war is still going on in Sri Lanka between Tamils and Sinhalese communities.
5 What is the main reason for mutual conflicts in Sri Lanka?
Answer – 74% of the population of Sri Lanka is Sinhalese while 18% is Tamils. The same government tried to impose Sinhalese majoritarianism on the Tamils, which the Tamils could not tolerate. In such a situation, a civil war started there, which is not taking the name of calm to date.
6 What is called rational reason?
Ans- Rational reasons are those which are taken into account while taking any decision so that without careful calculation no wrong action is done in haste. Rational reasons only motivate us to keep profit and loss in mind.
7 What do you mean by community government?
Ans: Community government is a government that is elected by people speaking the same language, such as the Dutch, French, and German-speaking communities living in Belgium. Such a government should be concerned about issues such as culture, education, and language.
8 What is the proportion of the population of Sinhalese and Tamils in the total population of Sri Lanka?
Answer – The population of Sinhalese is some 74% while that of Tamils is some 18%
9. What languages were mainly spoken in Belgium?
Answer – Dutch, French, and German languages.
10. Why did the constitution of Belgium need to be amended four times between 1970 and 1993?
Answer- So that no one living in the country feels alienated and everyone can live in harmony with each other.
Short answer type questions
1. Giving one example of power-sharing in the Indian context, give one logical and one moral reason for it. OR What are the arguments given in favor of partnership democracy?
Or, what are the arguments given in favor of power-sharing?
Answer- Arguments given in favor of power-sharing- Many politicians have given many arguments in favor of power-sharing, the main ones are as follows-
(a) Rational reasons – Rational reasons are those which are based on very deep thinking and which are adopted by keeping profit and loss in the front.
(i) Power sharing minimizes conflicts between different communities.
(ii) It reduces the possibility of bias.
(iii) Covers various diversities in itself.
(iv) Increases people’s participation in government.
(b) Ethical reasons- Some people have strongly supported power sharing for ethical reasons also.
(i) Power sharing in coalition governments ensures complete justice to all the political parties participating in the government.
(ii) Minority people are also not ignored, so in their minds, no feeling of resentment develops.
(iii) Due to the decentralization of power, no injustice can be done by any government organ-legislature, executive, or judiciary, and thus the atmosphere of peace remains in the center and the states as well.
(iv) The decisions made with the opinion of all are acceptable to all because it is taken unanimously.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
History | Political Science |
English | Hindi |
2 Explain the ethnic composition of Belgian society.
Ans: The ethnic composition of Belgian society Belgium is a small country in Europe whose population is half that of Haryana. But the ethnic composition of its society is very complex. 59% of the people living in it speak Dutch, 40% speak French and the remaining 1% speak German.
Diversity sometimes became the cause of ‘cultural and political conflicts, but the people of Belgium removed the mutual differences caused by these cultural diversities and regional differences by adopting a new type of governance.
He repeatedly amended the Constitution with the idea that no one should feel alienated and all could live together. The whole world appreciates this wisdom of Belgium. Explain the caste composition of the society.
3 Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka is an island country which is located a few kilometers from the southern coast of India, its population is about two crores, which is equal to Haryana. Like Belgium, people of many ethnic groups live here. Some 74% of the country’s population are Sinhalese while some 18% are Tamil.
The rest belong to other small ethnic groups such as Christians and Muslims. The North-Eastern parts of the country are dominated by Tamils while the rest of the country is dominated by Sinhalese.
If the people of Sri Lanka wanted, they too could find a proper solution to their ethnic issue like Belgium, but there the majority community i.e. Sinlis tried to impose their majoritarianism on others, due to which a civil war started there, which has not stopped till today. Not taking the name of
4 What is power sharing and what are its benefits?
Answer- When a country makes the participation of all the people in the administrative system, then it is called the sharing of power. no doubt many of such arrangements here are benefits.
(a) Power sharing is the basic mantra of democracy. Without which democracy cannot be imagined.
(b) When all the people of the country are made partners in the administrative system of the country, then the country becomes stronger.
(c) when the interests of all castes are taken into account without discrimination and their feelings are respected, then there is no conflict there is no possibility and the country continues to progress without any hindrance.
Keeps walking on the path. By adopting the power-sharing policy, Belgium has not only resolved mutual conflicts on one hand but has also started making steady progress in every field.
5. Why is power sharing important? Explain.
Answer- Power sharing is necessary, two arguments can be given in its favor-
(a) Due to the distribution of power, the possibility of conflict between different social groups is reduced. Since social conflict often escalates stakes in the form of violence and political instability giving up is good for the stability of the political system.
(b) Power sharing is actually the soul of democracy. Democracy only happens when the people who are under this system of governance should be distributed among themselves and these people should live in harmony. That’s why the legitimate government is the one in which all the groups are connected to the governance system through their respective participation.
6 Government policies in Sri Lanka sought to maintain the dominance of the Sinhalese-speaking majority.” Do you agree with this statement?
Ans- (a) Sri Lanka became an independent nation in 1948 AD. In 1956, a law was passed under which Sinhalese was introduced, bypassing Tamil.was declared as the official language.
(b) universities and government jobs to give preference to SinhaleseThe policy were also adopted.
(c) The provision was also made in the new constitution that the government would protect and promote Buddhism.
(d) Sri Lankan Tamils felt that the constitution and the policies of the government were denying them equal political rights. this resulted in inIt happened that the relations between Tamil and Sinhalese communities went on deteriorating.
7 The Dutch-speaking majority in Belgium dominated the French-speaking minority. Tried to dominate. Do you agree with this statement?
Answer – The French-speaking minority in Belgium was comparatively more prosperous and powerful than the Dutch-speaking majority. Naturally, the Dutch-speaking community was angered by this situation. Dutch-speaking people were more in number but were weak in terms of wealth. This was the root cause of the tension between the two communities.
But the Dutch-speaking majority in Belgium tried to establish its supremacy over the French-speaking minority. Can’t agree with this. Because-
(a) National integration was attempted in Belgium by making different groups share power. To resolve the linguistic dispute, all groups were given equal representation in the central government.
(b) Some special laws could be passed only when different language groups agreed on the subject. not a particular language as the official language declared. different language groups to form their own government given the opportunity.
(c) This government was called the community government, which worked at the third level after the center and the state. It was empowered to take important decisions related to culture and language.
Through all these efforts, the Dutch-speaking majority in Belgium tried to resolve the linguistic dispute of the French-speaking minority, which was completely successful.
Long answer type questions
1. What are the different modes of power sharing in modern democratic systems? Also, give an example of each of these. Or, Explain any four forms of power sharing.
Following are the different ways of power-sharing in post-modern democratic systems-
(a) We find the first form of distribution of power in the distribution of power among the three organs of the government, the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. For example, the Constitution of India has divided power into legislature, executive, and judiciary. Such distribution of power is called horizontal distribution.
(b) Another form of power sharing we find in the distribution of power among different levels of government. There is a central government for the whole country, there are separate governments at the provincial or regional level. This distribution of power between higher and lower levels of government is called vertical distribution. In the Constitution of India, the powers of the Central and State Governments have been divided into separate lists.
(c) Power is sometimes divided among social groups such as language groups and religious groups. The community government of Belgium is a good example of this system.
(d) Sometimes power is also divided among political parties and pressure groups. If several parties together form the government. So power is divided among different parties. Sometimes there is competition in these parties for a particular department. In India too, coalition governments are now becoming dominant. There are also many political parties in Denmark that run the government by sharing power.
2 What is majoritarianism? What are the disadvantages of this?
Ans: Such a political belief that emphasizes that the majority community can ignore minorities is called majoritarianism. But this concept of majoritarianism is wrong in many ways and there are relative flaws in it-
(a) The first mistake in this is that the majority of the people declare their own language as the official language and ignore other languages.
(b) They give preference to their own caste people in universities and government jobs and ignore others as is happening in Sri Lanka.
(c) Thirdly, the majority of the people patronize and promote their own religion and give stepmotherly treatment to other religions. But all these discriminatory actions create an atmosphere of unrest and conflict in the country. Minorities start feeling alienated • and get ready to kill.
How and for how long can they tolerate being denied political rights, discriminated against in jobs, and ignored for their interests? All this is happening in Sri Lanka. There the relations between Sinhalese and Tamil communities have deteriorated so much that killings continue to happen every day and an atmosphere like civil war prevails, all this is the result of the majoritarian policy.
3. Mention four main features of the power-sharing model adopted in Belgium. Or, discuss the power-sharing system in Belgium.
Answer- The main features of the power-sharing model of Belgium-
(a) The Constitution clearly provided that the Central GovernmentiThere will be an equal number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers. Something special can be made only if the majority of the representatives of both the linguistic community are in its favor. No one community can take a unilateral decision.
(B) The division of powers of governance between the central and state governments is clearly been formally done. In any case the State Governments CentralNot under government.
(c) Brussels has a separate government with equal representation for both communities.
(d) In addition to the central and state government in Belgium, a third level of government also works, which is known as community government. The representatives in this government are elected by the communities speaking different languages. This government decides on matters such as culture, education, and language.
4. Discuss the power-sharing system in Sri Lanka.
Answer – Sinhalese are in majority in Sri Lanka and Tamils are in minority. The Sinhalese community of Sri Lanka tried to dominate the government on the strength of its majority and took many such steps which did not give a proper share of power to the minority Tamil community and harmed their interests. Some of these are listed below-
(a) Sinhalese as the sole official language of the country, bypassing the Tamil language declared as the official language.
(b) Preference was given to Sinhalese in universities and government jobs.
(c) Government patronage was given to Buddhism. The above-imbalanced power-sharing resulted in tensions within the Tamil community of Sri Lanka and relations between the two communities continued to deteriorate.
1 What is the basis of power-sharing in Sri Lanka?
Answer – Majoritarianism.
2 Where is the capital of Sri Lanka?
Answer – Colombo.
3 What type of government system is there in India?
Answer – Parliamentary.
What is meant by the horizontal distribution of power?
Answer- Under horizontal distribution, power is distributed among various organs of the government such as the executive, legislature, and judiciary. In this, different parts of the government use their respective powers by staying at the same level.
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Notes of Power Sharing Class 10 Chapter 1 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics