Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for important question answers in Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8?
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NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 08 |
Chapter Name | Challenges to Democracy |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | Civics / sst |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | VVI QUESTION |
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

very Short answers type question
1 Approximately in what part of the world is there a democratic system?
Years: About a quarter.
Write the names of any three democratic countries of the world.
Years: La-England, USA, India, etc.
3. Which are the three non-democratic countries of the world?
Myanmar, Pakistan, and Nigeria.
What is the definition of democracy according to Abraham Lincoln?
Answer- According to Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government that is of the people, for the people, and made by the people.
5, Write the name of a country where the power is with the military officers even after elections.
Answer – Pakistan.
6. Write the name of a country where women do not have the right to vote would.
Answer – Saudi Arabia where women do not have the right to vote, therefore such a country cannot be considered a democracy.
7. Write the name of a country where the value of the vote of the natives is more than the value of the vote of the people coming from outside.
Answer – The importance of the vote of the natives of Fiji where Indian
8. exceeds the vote of the residents. What type of government would you prefer – democracy or dictatorship?
Answer – To democracy.
9 What is called democratic reform?
Answer – All the suggestions or proposals regarding the various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms.
10. Why Nepal is not a democratic country till 2005, give reasons.
Ans- (a) There was no government elected by the people in Nepal. (b) The king of Nepal is not elected ruler by the people but by the royal family has got this right because of his birth.
11 Why is Myanmar, not a democratic country?
Ans- (a) Myanmar is not ruled by an elected government but is ruled by military officers.Ruled by people not elected by them.
(b) There is no participation of people in the decisions of governance.
(c) Anyone who speaks against military officers is put in jail.
12 Why is Pakistan, not a democratic country? Give reason.
Ans- (a) Elections are definitely held in Pakistan but the supreme power remains in the hands of army officers.
(b) According to the legal framework order, whenever the President wants, national and provincial dissolve assemblies.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
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Short answer type questions
1. Describe any five essential conditions for the success of democracy. The following suggestions can be given to make democracy powerful and effective.
(a) People should get ample opportunity and choice to change the present rulers and express their choice. These opportunities and choices should be available to all people.
(b) The constitution of the government should be such that the basic rules of the constitution work considering civil rights.
(c) Democratic rights should not be limited only to voting, forming organizations, and contesting elections, but citizens should also get some social and economic rights.
(d) There is a need to give due importance to the interests of minority groups.
(e) To reduce social and economic inequality at all levels there must be an effort.
2. Write the main features of a good democracy.
Answer- Democracy is such a system of governance where the source of power is public, the government is formed by the representatives of the public and it works only for the good of the public. The following are the main features of a good democracy-
(a) Only the members elected by the people handle the reins of governance of the country and he himself takes all the major decisions.
(b) In a democracy, elections are held in a fair and free manner and the people through elections change the existing rulers whenever they want.
(c) The third feature of democracy is that it has the right to vote equally to all people according to the rules of the universal adult franchise.
(d) The government chosen by election works within the limits of the basic laws and civil rights fixed by the constitution.
Discuss the democratic rights in India.
Answer- Democratic rights refer to those rights which are provided to the citizens for the purpose of participating in governance on behalf of the state. Democratic rights refer to those systems in which citizens get the opportunity to participate in governance. These rights are even more important in a democratic system of governance. This makes citizens’ political training is received. Taking part in elections develops A’s capacity for political work and sense of responsibility.
Major democratic rights-
(a) the right to vote,
(b) the right to be elected and hold political office,
(c) the right to present an application,
(d) the right to equality before the law,
(e) Right to criticize the Government etc.
4. What role can a common man play in strengthening democracy? Explain.
Answer- Wherever there is a democratic governance system in the world, it is an important challenge to strengthen it. It aims to improve and strengthen democratic institutional functioning so that people’s participation and control increase. This requires reducing the control and influence of the rich and powerful on the decision-making process.
5. Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. To what extent do you consider this definition of democracy to be appropriate?
Answer- “Democracy is such a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people” is a simple definition of democracy. By applying this criterion, we can easily say that the governments of Saudi Arabia and Myanmar are democratic.No because the rulers there are not elected by the people.
But the above definition of democracy reflects only one aspect of democracy. So it is not enough that just by holding elections many governments do not become democratic governments.
Elections are conducted equally in Pakistan, China, and Iraq too, did those governments become democracies in just that much time? No, because the real power in Pakistan is with the military officers, in China the center of power is in only one political party, and in Iraq the reins of government are in the hands of others.
Power in the hands of military officers alone, a single political party, or a foreign power cannot under any circumstances establish a democracy. Therefore the above definition of democracy is not sufficient.
6 Citizens should be well informed to make democracy meaningful. And why is it necessary to be socially responsible?
Years: Citizens should be well informed to make democracy meaningfulIt is very important to be socially responsible. The main reasons for this are as follows-
(a) Citizens play an important role in a democracy; democracy is for the people and the government is for the people, so it is clear that the people citizens have a very important part in a democracy, because they have the most important role in a democracy, so it is very important to be well aware of them and to be socially responsible.
(b) Protection of fundamental rights- As citizens are important for democracy, in the same way, their fundamental rights are important for citizens. Without these fundamental rights, citizens will remain as slaves and how can blunt-minded citizens protect democracy? Only well-informed and socially responsible citizens can make democracy meaningful.
(c) Creation of a clean society- If the society is diseased then the citizens will be involved in many types of evils. In such a situation, how will they make democracy meaningful? If the citizens are well aware and socially responsible, then they will be able to remove various evils of society like the dowry system, caste system, misbehavior with women, etc. Only such healthy citizens will prove helpful in making democracy meaningful.
7 How does inequality of women hinder the efficient functioning of Indian democracy?
Answer- Due to the following reasons, inequality of women proved to be a hindrance to democracy occurs-
(a) The basis of democracy is to provide equality to all in society. But democracy cannot develop if women are not considered equal to men.
(b) Women do not even have equal freedom as men. But democracy has no meaning without freedom because freedom is the root of the basis.
(c) There is exploitation and oppression of women by men, which is a great obstacle in the path of democracy.
8 Why there is a need for political reforms in Indian democracy? Give reasons.
Answer—(a) It may be very tempting to think of reforming politics by enacting laws. It may be pleasant to think that new laws will eliminate all unwanted things, but it is better to curb this greed. Certainly, the law has an important role to play in reforms.
Carefully designed laws will discourage bad political practices and encourage good work. But the challenges of democracy cannot be solved just by bringing legal constitutional changes.
(b) While making legal changes, it has to be seriously considered what effect it will have on politics. sometimes the opposite result gets out For example, many states have banned people with more than two children from contesting panchayat elections. Due to this, many poor people and women were deprived of democratic opportunities, while this was not the intention behind doing so. Laws that forbid something usually don’t do much in politics. Laws that encourage or benefit political activists to do good work are more likely to be successful.
(c) Democratic reforms are mainly done by political parties. Therefore, the goal of political reform should be to improve the level and quality of political participation of citizens and strengthen democratic functioning.
(d) Any proposal for political reform should be concerned with good solutions as well as think about who will implement them and why.
9 How has the challenge of minorities been resolved in Indian democracy?
Answer – India is a country of many religions due to which sometimes problems arise in the proper functioning of democracy. The majority is formed in a democracy, so many times the minorities have a doubt that they will not be able to do complete justice and with the aim of ending such a belief that the people of the majority should not cripple them by ignoring their rights, the Constitution of India has made minority Some rights have been given to the minority people, which are called ‘rights of minorities. Government
The Indian Constitution has given a fundamental right to many religious and linguistic minorities to establish their own educational institutions. The Constitution of India has given full protection to this right of minority people. Such protection has removed the doubts of the minorities and made every effort to bring them into the national stream so that democracy can run properly in India.
What are the challenges of its expansion in front of 10 democratic systems? Explain.
Answer- Most of the democratic states face the challenge of their expansion. In this basic principles of democratic governance should be implemented in all areas of the country, Sunny
implementation in social groups and various institutions. federal structure to strengthen, and give more power to local bodies and women
And proper participation of backward classes etc. is such a challenge.
Long answer type questions
1 What are the major or major challenges facing democracy?
Answer- Although every country especially democratic countries have its own challenges in front of them, but there are some big or major challenges that all democratic countries should face together. Some of such big or major challenges are given below-
(a) Basic Challenge- One of the major problems facing democracy or the democratic countries of the world is that in one-fourth of countries of the world where there is no democratic system, there is a challenge to create the basic basis for democracy. How to topple the non-democratic government or the military government there and establish an effective and sovereign governance system in its place is a challenge to think deeply and make appropriate efforts.
(b) Challenge of Expansion- The countries where democracy is established have the challenge of expanding it. There is a need to pay attention to how the basic democratic principles should be extended to all areas, all social groups, and all administrative units, and how the women class, minority class, or neglected class should not be deprived of this participation.
(c) The challenge of deepening and strengthening democracy- The challenge before all democratic countries are how to strengthen democratic institutions and streams so that the benefits of the democratic system are maximized.
Can reach the lower classes. There is a need to reform and strengthen the functioning of democratic institutions so as to increase participation and control by all and reduce the dominance of the rich and powerful.
2. Briefly mention two important challenges of Indian democracy and suggest ways to improve it. OR Describe the major challenges of Indian democracy.
Answer- Challenges of Indian Democracy-Criminalization of Politics It is being seen that the Parliament or the number of public representatives of criminal tendencies is increasing in the Legislative Assemblies. Is. Due to this, there is difficulty in the smooth functioning of the government. Extremism- Today most of the states of India are in the grip of extremism. someone today in any form, extremist incidents keep happening somewhere in the country.
Due to this there is a hindrance in the successful functioning of Indian democracy. Improvement measures/suggestions-
(a) Political parties should not give tickets to people with criminal tendencies under any circumstances.
(b) The government should also make such a law that under any circumstancesCriminals are not members of Parliament or Legislative Assembly or Panchayat SamitiBe able to become
(c) The public should also lick the dust in the elections to those with such tendencies.
(d) The government should have a strong will to control extremism.
(e) If necessary, the extreme insurgency area should be handed over to the army.
(f) There should be a clear liberal policy of the government to bring the extremists into the mainstream of the country.
(g) There should be no nexus between leaders, officers, and extremists.
3 What is the effect of illiteracy in Indian democracy?
Answer- Effect of illiteracy in Indian democracy-
(a) Not being aware of their democratic rights.
(b) Failing to use his vote properly.
(C) Obstacle in democratic system and development.
(d) Not being able to take advantage of the schemes of the government.
(e) Not being a participant in development.
(f) Poor and backwardness etc.
13 Is Saudi Arabia a democratic country? Give reason.
Ans- (a) The king of Saudi Arabia is not elected by the people, but by the royal family and has got this right only because of his birth.
(b) There is no right for women to vote which is a complete violation of public law.
14 Can politics be controlled by making laws? Improve
Answer- No, it is not beneficial to bring reforms only by making laws. Laws definitely help in reform work, but along with this, efforts and cooperation of political workers, political parties, movements, and conscious citizens are also necessary.
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
NCERT Solution Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics