Are you a student of class 10th and you are looking for important question answers in Popular Struggles and Movement CBSE Class 10 Chapter 5?
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NCERT Solution Popular Struggles and Movement CBSE Class 10 Chapter 5 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics
Class | 10th |
Chapter | 05 |
Chapter Name | Popular Struggles and Movement |
Board | cbse |
Book | NCERT |
Subject | Civics / sst |
Medium | English |
Study Materials | VVI QUESTION |
NCERT Solution Popular Struggles and Movement CBSE Class 10 Chapter 5 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics

very Short answers type question
1. Write the definition of movement.
Answer – Many times people try to work together without forming any organization.
2. State the purpose of the movements.
These groups give themselves the name of the movement. Answer – Many movements are committed to their purpose. They want to achieve their only objective, within a given time.
What was the demand of the workers of the people’s movement that arose in Nepal on April 3, 2006?
Answer- Parliament should be changed, an all-party government should be formed and a new Constituent Assembly should be formed.
4. pressure groups and which ones influence the movement politics follow the method.
Answer- (a) By conducting information campaigns,
(b) by holding meetings.
(c) By influencing the media.
5. What are the two forms of relationship between political parties and pressure groups?
Ans- (a) Some pressure groups are formed by political parties only. (b) Sometimes pressure groups later take the form of political parties. Like Assam Gana Parishad.
6. Mention two similar things in the conflict between Nepal and Bolivia.
Ans- (a) In both incidents the public got mobilized on a large scale.
(b) In both incidents the role of political organizations was decisive.
7 What is the major difference between a political party and a pressure group?
Answer- The main goal of a political party is to establish control over the power of the country, while there is no such goal of a pressure group. He has no desire to share power.
8. In which two things do pressure groups and movements have a positive effect?
Ans- (a) The interest groups and movements of the common people protect the government from undue pressure from the rich and powerful.
(b) Government through various pressure groups and movementsKnows what different sections of the society want.
9 Which king of Nepal dissolved the government elected by the people?
Answer – King Gyanendra dissolved the government elected by the public in February 2005Gave.
10. What was the goal of the movement that arose in Nepal in April 2006?
Answer- The aim of this movement was to take the reins of governance from the hands of the handed over to the public again.
11 What are short-term movements?
Answer- Those movements which remain active for a short period of time and whose aim is to achieve some issue are called short-term movements.
12 What is called long-term movement?
Answer- Such movements last for a long time and in which there is more than one issue.
13 Why did the people of Bolivia launch a mass movement against their government?
Answer- Because the government there privatized water to increase its income and sold the right of water supply in Cochabamba city to a multinational company. Due to this water became four times more expensive and poor people died of thirst.
14 When and why was the mass movement started in Bolivia?
Answer – The mass movement in Bolivia started in the year 2000 when the government there handed over the right to water supply to a multinational company named NCP. Handed over.
15. Where is the country of Bolivia located?
Answer- Bolivia is a poor country in Latin America.
16. How did the people’s struggle start in Bolivia in 2000 AD?
Answer- Against the privatization of water, many organizations such as workers, human rights activists, community leaders, etc. formed a coalition and went on a general strike. When nothing came out of this, the mass movement started again. The executives of the multinational company had to flee the city. This movement is famous as the People’s War of Bolivia.
class 10th Notes | MCQ |
History | Political Science |
English | Hindi |
Short answer type questions
1 What is a pressure group? Give some examples.
Answer- When some people form organizations to fulfill their specific objectives, then such organizations are named as pressure groups or interest groups. Such people do not aim for direct participation in politics. Such people may not have the desire to participate in political activities or may not feel any need to do so or may lack any necessary skills.
Such pressure groups come into existence for a short period of time and disband after serving their limited objectives. Like in Bolivia in 2000, a pressure group was formed on the question of water, and on their agitation, the government had to accept all the demands of the agitators, and as soon as the agreement with the multinational company was canceled, similarly it was formed on the question of water. The Gaya pressure group also ended.
Such pressure groups keep on forming in any democratic government. Sometimes lawyers, sometimes teachers and sometimes shopkeepers form pressure groups to fulfill their own interests, they also demonstrate in favor of their interests by putting pressure on political parties and the government, and as soon as the demands are met, they come to camp. disappear like It is neither their desire nor their ability to remain constant.
2. How do pressure groups and movements influence politics?
Answer- Pressure groups and movements affect politics in many ways-
(a) Various pressure groups and movements try to win the sympathy and support of the public for the fulfillment of their goals. So they hold meetings, take out processions and run information campaigns. Not only the public, such pressure groups also try to influence the media so that the media pays attention to their issues and in such a situation, but the attention of the government and the public is also attracted to them.
(b) Such pressure groups are not limited to information campaigns only, but also give dharna, strike, and obstruct government work so that the government accepts their demands quickly, many organizations, employee unions, etc. Adopt methods to keep the pressure on. labor government
(c) Some pressure groups also resort to expensive advertisements to spread their message to the people and to wake up the government and the sleeping ones.
(d) Some pressure groups try to bring the leaders of the opposition on their side and even make them make speeches. To increase their vote bank, various political parties also try to make these pressure groups in their favor.
3. What is the difference between a pressure group and a political party?
Answer- Difference between a pressure group and political party-
(a) Pressure group is an apolitical organizations. He walks with the common interests of a particular class. Whereas, a political party is a political organization that represents the general interests of society.
(b) The purpose of a pressure group is to influence the public policy-making process to fulfill its objectives, whereas the main objective of a political party isThe aim is to gain power.
(c) A pressure group is a small organization while a political party is a large one. Organization.
(d) The aim of a pressure group is limited to a particular group or issue whereas the aim of political parties is wider.
(e) Pressure groups do their work after the formation of the government whereas political do.
4. What would be the nature of mutual relations between pressure groups and political parties?Is ? Describe.
Ans- The relationship between pressure groups and political parties can take many forms. Some of which are direct and some are indirect.
(a) In some cases the pressure groups are formed by the political parties themselves. Whose leadership is directly or indirectly handled by the leaders of political parties?
(b) Some pressure groups work as an offshoot of a political party, such as most of India’s trade unions, student organizations, etc. Such organizations are either formed by political parties or are related to political parties. It is believed that the reins of such pressure groups are in the hands of one or the other political party leader or activist.
(c) Sometimes pressure groups and movements themselves take the form of a political party. For example, the ‘Untimely Movement’ launched against foreigners in Assam, at its end, turned into a political party by the name of Assam Gana Parishad. Similarly, the roots of the two major political parties of Tamil Nadu, DMK and A.I.A.D.M.K. It can be traced to the social reform movement that started there.
(d) Sometimes there is a situation of conflict between some pressure groups and movements and political parties. Even after taking opposing sides, there is a mutual dialogue between these pressure groups and political parties and mutual dialogue continues.
(e) Many times the leaders of political parties come from these pressure groups, such as Arun Jaitley, the leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, who was once an office-bearer of the student organization. Similarly, Ajay Maken was also the leader of the student union.
5 In what respect are the movements of Nepal and Bolivia similar? But prove that with the vibrancy of democracy, the interior of the people’s struggle
There is a relationship.
Answer- A lot of similarities are found in the mass movement of Nepal and Bolivia. On both sides, people started a mass struggle against the unjust actions of the government. The movement in Nepal was launched for the restoration of democracy. These seven parties formed a seven-party alliance and forced the ruler Gyanendra to restore the parliament, form an all-party government and form a new Constituent Assembly.
The movement in Bolivia was started by a coalition formed by workers, human rights activists, and community leaders to prevent water contracts from being awarded to multinational companies. In such a situation, the water became four times more expensive, and poor people were at risk of dying of thirst. In the end, this movement was successful like in Nepal and the unjust work of the government came to an end.
6. How do class interest groups also play an important role?
Answer – It is absolutely true that a sectional interest group also plays an important role. No single group can dominate the whole society. If one group • puts pressure on the government to have government policies in its favor then the other group tries to make the policies not favorable to the first group. In such a situation, the government is forced to think that what are the wishes of different sections of the people. This can create a balance of power and pacify the warring groups.
Long answer type questions
1. How the struggle of the Nepali people has helped the whole world to have democratic views.An inspiration to people with
Ans- (a) A famous movement took place in Nepal in April 2006. Its objective was the re-establishment of democracy in Nepal, as previously the reins of power rested with elected representatives and the king was the constitutional head. In 2001, after the mysterious assassination of the king and his family, the new king Gyanendra became. He did not like democratic government. So he took advantage of the weak democratic system.
(b) In February 2005, the king removed the prime minister and dissolved the Lok Sabha Gave. The public got angry about this and for the restoration of democracy in April 2006, fierce agitation started.
(c) All the major political parties formed the Seven Party Alliance (SPA). Simultaneously, there was a four-day hartal in Kathmandu. Several parties including the Maoists participated in it. Lakhs of people gathered and started demonstrating. The people were adamant in their demands that the Parliament should be restored and The reins of power should be given.
(d) April 24, 2006, when the last day of warnings given by the people came. The king accepted all the demands. The SPA appointed Girija Prasad Koirala as the new Prime Minister. All the privileges of the king were abolished by the Parliament. The SPA and the Maoists elected a new Constituent Assembly. This movement is called the second movement for the independence of Nepal.
2. Explain the difference between the interest group of a particular class and the interest group of the general public.
Answer – Difference between special class interest group and public interest group – (a) Class interest group usually wants to promote the interests of a particular section or group of society, while a public interest group is a collective instead of a particular one. represent the interest.
(b) Example of a class-specific interest group, trade union, trade union, and groups of professionals (lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.) while the public BAMCEF is an example of a general interest group.
(c) Class-specific interest groups are class-specific because they represent a particular section of society, such as workers, employees, businessmen, industrialists, and followers of a particular religion or a particular caste, whereas interest groups target the general public. not of its members but of the general have to help.
(d) The main concern of the interest group of a particular class is not for the whole society but for the betterment and welfare of its members, whereas the general Interest groups fight for the welfare of the general public, and for this, they create pressure on the government.
3.How are the activities of pressure groups useful in the functioning of a democratic government?
Answer- Different pressure groups serve democracy in their own way and strengthen its roots.
(a) Often the government may come under undue pressure from the rich and powerful. Pressure groups and movement groups help in reducing this undue pressure.
(b) These interest groups maintain a balance between different types of pressures. If one pressure group puts undue pressure on the government to get its point of view, then other interest groups thwart this undue pressure.
(c) Protests and counter-protests of different types of pressure groups help the government to know what the public wants.
(d) If one group puts pressure on the government to make policies in its favor, the other group puts pressure on the government not to make policies in favor of the former. It provides an opportunity for the government to hear and understand the wishes of various sections of the public. In this way, the pressure group proves useful in the functioning of the government.
4 Pressure groups are the organized expression of the interests and viewpoints of a particular section of society. Discuss.
Answer—(a) That group of people of similar profession, interest, aspiration, or ideology puts pressure on the government to fulfill its objectives, known as pressure groups.
(b) Pressure group is a formal organization of people who have common interests and interests. Pressure groups attempt to influence aspects of public policy-making.
(c) Pressure groups are organizations that express the interests and viewpoints of a particular section or group in society. Business unions put pressure on the government for the interests of businessmen. Similarly, farmers’ organizations can put pressure on the policies and decisions of the government in the field of agriculture. A farmer’s organization does not press for the welfare of teachers, similarly, a teacher’s union does not demand irrigation facilities.
(d) All India Railway Men’s Association, All India Teachers Association, Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, Muslim Majlis, Student Federation Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries, etc. are some examples of pressure groups.
1 What do you understand by Public Interest Group?
Answer- They work collectively and not by selected individuals.
2 Give some examples of interest groups.
Answer- Those who fight against bonded labor and not for themselves. For the benefit of those who are bonded laborers.
3 Write the full form of BAMCEF.
Answer – Backward and Minority Community Employees Federation.
4 Write the full form of NAPM.
Answer – National Alliance for People’s Movement.