VVI MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Ch-5 Popular Struggles and Movements

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VVI MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Ch-5 Popular Struggles and Movements

Chapter NamePopular Struggles and Movements
SubjectCivics / sst
Medium English
Study MaterialsMCQs

VVI MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 5 Popular Struggles and Movements

VVI MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Ch-5 Popular Struggles and Movements
Class 10 Civics


1. In which year democracy was re-established in Nepal?

(a) 2005,

(b) 2006,

(c) 2007.

(d) 2008.


2.Rebellion in Bolivia

(a) for the restoration of democracy,

(b) for employment,

(c) to cancel the privatization of water,

(d) To remove poverty.

Answer – (a)

3.Who led the water movement in Bolivia

(a) Maoists,

(b) Samajwadi Party,

(c) Fedecor,

(d) Vamcef.


Which of the following is a characteristic of a pressure group?

(a) organization,

(b) common interest,

(c) omnipresence,

(d) all of these

Answer – (d)

class 10th NotesMCQ
HistoryPolitical Science

5. Meghapatekar is related to which of the following movement-

(a) Women’s movement,

(b) Narmada Bachao Andolan,

(d) Teachers’ movement.

(c) Peasant movement,


Which of the following is an example of a pressure group? 

(a) Narmada Bachao Andolan,

(b) Anti-liquor movement,

(c) Right to Information movement,

(d) All of these


7 In which year was the Right to Information Act passed by the Indian Parliament?

(a) 2002, 

(b) 2004, 

(c) 2005,

(d) 2007.


8 The main objective of the seven-party alliance was-

(a) Restoration of monarchy in Nepal,

(b) Restoration of democracy in Nepal,

(c) Restoration of Maoist rule in Nepal,

(d) none of these


9 BAMCEF is the movement of which of the following?

(a) of farmers,

(b) of the employees,

(c) of women,

(d) of industrialists.


10 Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad is related to which political party?

(a) Congress,

(b) Bharatiya Janata Party,

(c) Bahujan Samaj Party,

(d) Communist Party.


11 Which pressure group supports collective interest?

(a) class-specific interest groups,

(b) interest groups of the general public,

(c) Movement group,

(d) Groups of people.


12 Which of the following is an interest group of the general public?

(a) trade union,

(b) professional organizations,

(c) business organizations,

(d) Groups fighting against bonded labour.

Answer – (d)

13 Most of the time through which medium does democracy develop?

(a) Unanimity,

(b) popular struggle,

(c) mass struggle,

(d) none of these


14 Which of the following is not a movement of universal nature?

(a) Environmental movement,

(b) Save Narmada Andolan.

(c) Women’s Movement

(d) none of these


15 Which type of government was adopted in Nepal in the year 1990?

(a) Monarchy,

(b) Dictatorship,

(c) democratic,

(d) Colonial


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